Author Archives: Stan Jester

Employee Compensation Update – March 30, 2019

Stan Jester

The latest compensation updates were in response to last year’s Comp. & Class. study. According to the latest plan, payroll adjustments for certified employees should have been implemented by the end of March.

The new salary schedule is backdated to Jan 1. Certified staff will get backpay owed to them from Jan 1.

In January and February, the board passed a specific salary schedule. The administration does not have the liberty to pay employees too much or too little. If HR/payroll made a mistake and overpaid anybody, those adjustments to monthly checks will be made as well.

  MAG Salary and Compensation Study – Classified Employees
  January 7th Approved E Scale (and revised Z, G, N, LT) Salary Scales
  FY 2019 Teacher Salary Comparisons

Over the last couple weeks I have received many questions. I asked the administration to confirm the answers to the two most commonly asked questions. Let me know if you have any more thoughts or questions.

Employee Compensation Update

Linda Woodard

Linda Woodard
Interim Chief Human Capital Management Officer

Question 1: Will all certified employees see their new salary schedule reflected in their payroll checks this weekend?

Yes, all certified employees will see their new salary schedule reflected on their payroll checks issued on March 29, 2019.

Question 2: What is the plan for backpay for any certified employees that received a raise backdated to Jan 1?

The employee will not receive a lump sum payment. The back pay/retro pay will be equally divided on their remaining checks for the fiscal year.

Expected 2019 Graduation Rate

DeKalb Schools graduation rate is expected to increase again to 77%.

DeKalb Schools is approaching the state’s high school graduation rate which rose to 81.6% last year. Georgia calculates a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate as required by federal law. This rate is the number of students who graduate in four years with a regular high school diploma divided by the number of students who form the adjusted cohort for the graduating class. From the beginning of ninth grade, students who are entering that grade for the first time form a cohort that is subsequently “adjusted” by adding any students who transfer into the cohort during the next three years, and subtracting any students who transfer out.

88% of DeKalb Schools High School Seniors On Track To Graduate

5,346 out of 6,104 high school seniors are currently on-track to earn the appropriate number of Carnegie Units (credit hours) to graduate.

Graduation-Ready Wrap Around Services

• Increased counseling services – senior audits process
• Implementation of services for new Data Clerks
• Increased Programming in Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, CTAE
• Post-Secondary Readiness Strategies/ Summer Transition
• Increased parental involvement and engagement around graduation expectations


DeKalb Schools 2018 Graduation Rates
The four-year graduation rate for DCSD’s Class of 2018 was 75 percent, an increase from the 2017 graduation rate of 74 percent.

2017 DeKalb Graduation Rates By High School & Demographic
DeKalb School graduation rate climbed nearly 4 percentage points in 2017 to 74%.

2016 DeKalb Graduation Rates By High School
This is the second year that students shall no longer be required to earn a passing score on the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) to earn a high school diploma.

2015 Graduation Rates
The DeKalb County School District graduation rate is up nearly 10% from last year. “We are headed in the right direction with improved graduation rates because of our laser focus on student achievement,” Superintendent Steve Green said. “Much more work needs and will be done to ensure our students are ready for career and college opportunities.”