Category Archives: DeKalb County School District

10/07/2013 – Financial Report – DeKalb Schools Board Meeting

Financial Report

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AJC Plays Dueling Charter Cluster Banjos

Maureen Downey, Get Schooled blog at the AJC, is directing the Druid Hills Charter Cluster version of dueling banjos today.
On Banjo #1, Jim Bostic and Brad Bryant write,

The charter cluster is not an attempt to secede from DeKalb Schools; instead, it puts the schoolhouse in the driver’s seat and arms it with resources while moving the central office appropriately to a support role.
Principals will be given the autonomy to hire and fire and determine resource use.
Teachers will be entrusted to undertake curriculum, instruction, assessment, and discipline decisions based on the specific needs of their students.
And both will receive pay raises for the first time in years (thanks to lower overhead costs).

You can read the entire pro charter story and comment on Maureen’s blog at DeKalb Schools: Two education leaders urge approval of Druid Hills charter cluster
On Banjo #2, College professor Cindy Lutenbacher writes,

At long last, I have been able to attain information about this conversion charter petition, and I am quite honestly appalled at its brazen attempt to create a privately-run school that is funded with taxpayer dollars.

You can read the entire condemnation of the charter petition and comment on Maureen’s blog at Druid Hills Charter Cluster: Dig deep and it’s a “sieve of loopholes” that will exclude and harm some kids.