Category Archives: Superintendent Search

Superintendent Search Update

DeKalb County’s School Board conduct private interviews of superintendent candidates

Dekalb SuperintendentDan Whisenhunt is editor and publisher of He published this Dekalb Schools Superintendent Search Update.
By Dan Whisenhunt on
The DeKalb County Board of Education [met this weekend], at a location near the Atlanta airport to interview candidates to replace outgoing superintendent Michael Thurmond.
School Board Chairman Melvin Johnson said in a press release that the School Board has narrowed down the list of applicants to an unspecified number of semi-finalists. The names of those semi-finalists have not been made public. The closed-door meetings are allowed under the state’s open meetings laws.
Johnson also addressed concerns about the search firm hired to seek out candidates, ProAct. SUPES Academy, a company related to ProAct. SUPES is under investigation by the FBI over a no-bid contract it received from Chicago Public Schools.
“We are not aware of any evidence that any such allegations relate to the search in DeKalb nor do they relate to any of the candidates,” Johnson said. “While we will continue to monitor the situation, the Board is committed to the completion of the search process and the selection of DeKalb’s next Superintendent.”
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Superintendent Search Update

Yesterday, April 23, the Community Liaison Group identified their top candidates to be brought before the Board Of Education for consideration for an interview. The Board Of Education reviewed candidates and selected the top candidates for the first round of interviews.
The first round of interviews will take place during the first 2 weeks of May.  The board is pleased with the depth and breadth of candidates.  We are very much looking forward to the first round of interviews and taking the next step to announcing the new superintendent in late May to early June.
A special thanks to the Community Liaison Group District 1 representatives, Rick Callihan and Al Tiede.  They each spent countless hours over the last week pouring over a 650 page binder of resumes, backgrounds, questionnaires, and rubrics to bring superintendent search candidates before the board.  Rick and Al represented us well, thank you!!
–Stan Jester