DeKalb County School District’s (DCSD) four-year graduation rate for the Class of 2020 is 75.97%.
The U.S. Education Department granted permission in the fall of 2020 for state departments of education to exit schools identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) based on graduation rate if the schools meet the state’s exit criteria. Columbia High School and Stone Mountain High School have met the exit criteria and are now removed from the state identified CSI Graduation Rate improvement list.
Graduation Rates By School in DeKalb Schools
Horizon schools are the lowest performing elementary schools identified by the state as measured by CCRPI scores.
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) are the lowest performing 5% of Title I schools in the state when ranked based on their three-year CCRPI average
Promise Schools are the 5.01% to 10% lowest performing Title I schools in the state when ranked based on their three-year CCRPI average
Turnaround Eligible School (Turnaround Eligible Schools replaces the “Chronically Failing Schools” expression that GOSA used in prior years.) Identified schools have a three-year average College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) score that is in the bottom five percent of the state, excluding non-traditional schools and state special schools.
Priority School is a school which has a 3-year average of CCRPI Content Mastery scores in the lowest 5% or is a high school with a graduation rate less than 60% for 2 consecutive years.
Focus School is a school which has a 3-year average of CCRPI Achievement Gap scores in the lowest 10%. Achievement Gap compares the lowest 25% of achievers in a school with the state average.