Category Archives: Budget

2014-2015 Employment Contracts

DeKalb Schools News Alert

Contracts for school-based employees will be electronically issued on MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015.  Employees recommended for contract renewal will receive an email with a contract link from “Division of Human Resources via DocuSign” through Office 365 Outlook.
Please note that employment contracts are with the District and not a particular school.  All contracts must be electronically signed by 11:59 P.M. on THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015. Failure to electronically sign your contract by the deadline will be accepted as your notice to terminate your employment with the DeKalb County Board of Education at the end of your current contract of employment.  Contracts can be signed from anywhere and at any time!
The Division of Human Resources will not accept “walk-ins” or printed contracts directly from employees. All contracts must be electronically signed and submitted through the “DocuSign” system. Employees who decline a contract offer by not electronically signing their contract by the THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 deadline will not be eligible to apply for summer programs or future employment opportunities with the District until July 1, 2015.
If you have any questions about your contract, please contact Human Resources at or 678.676.0014.

Just Say NO to Waivers

Say No To Waivers“Classrooms First for Georgia” – Requires, at a minimum, 65% of a system’s total operating funds to be spent in the classroom.  The statute was enacted in FY2008 and DeKalb Schools has never been in compliance.
On Monday the board will vote to waive the 65% rule for FY2014.
School districts are considered compliant if they increase their direct classroom expenditures as a percent of total operating expenditures by two or more percentage points over the previous fiscal year.

Expenditures FY2013 FY2014 Budgeted
Classroom $ 519,389,964 $ 549,876,910 $ 598,678,971
Operating $ 843,716,713 $ 893,149,340 $ 959,363,447
Classroom % 61.56 % 61.57 % 62.40 %

Fiscal Year 2014
The FY14 operating expenditures increased by $50 million from the previous year.  Unfortunately they spent the exact same percent on classroom expenditures.
Fiscal Year 2015 – Budgeted
FY15 will see an estimated increase of $66 million in operating expenditures and should move classroom instruction to 62.40%.
Fiscal Year 2016
The budgeting season is approaching us.  We can’t do anything about FY14 or FY15.  Moving forward, shouldn’t the school board’s top budget priority be to construct a budget with at least 65% of the operating expenditures going into the classroom for FY16?  As Nancy Jester use to say, “More classroom, less bureaucracy.”
#JustSayNoToWaivers   #MoreClassroomLessBureaucracy