Author Archives: Stan Jester

Stan Jester – My Business Experience – Software Development

Many people utilize the web applications I have created like the DeKalb Schools Employees Employment History website as well as the Funding and Spending per student for every school district across the state.  I’m frequently asked about my background and decided to share my business experience over the last 20+ years.
Training and Certifications

  • MCAD – Microsoft Certified Applications Developer
    • Developing and implementing windows applications in .NET
    • Designing and implementing SQL databases
    • Designing and implementing web applications in .NET
  • MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework) – Microsoft Delta Force led training of foundation principles, core models and essential disciplines including SDLC and Risk Analysis.

Systems Specialties

  • C# 3.5
  • SQL Server 2000/2005/2008
  • .NET Architecture and Application Frameworks
  • WCF / SOA / SOAP / REST / JSON / Web Service Integration
  • NHibernate, Entity Framework
  • Database Architecture
  • Windows Server 2003/2008
  • Object Oriented Design, Architecture and Design Patterns
  • Agile/Scrum

University of Texas at Austin
Bachelors, Computer Sciences
Professional Experience:
Retirement/Financial Calculations
Aug 12 – Jul 14
Pension Benefit Calculation Report Calculator
The company has roughly 600 coops and 90K employees and each coop defines its own pension benefits agreements.  The current pension benefit calculation report (BCR) is generated from a mainframe running a 25 year old custom cobalt application.  The new BCR Calculator was written by 3 people working vertically by domain data objects over the application layers using C#, WCF, NHibernate, Entity Framework and SQL 2008 using development patterns including Façade and Repository.
Tools & Technologies: C# 3.5, NHibernate, Entity Framework, SQL 2008, WCF, NUnit Tests, AutoMapper, Team City, Visual Studio 2012
Nov 11– Aug 12
Operating Room Scheduler Web Application
This company provides management services to anesthesia departments.  The application tracks and reports on operating room’s performance and clinical productivity.    The solution utilized C# ASP.NET web applications with AJAX and control extenders UI.  The backend utilized WCF, NHibernate, various development patterns including Adapter, Factory, and Façade.  The backend is NHibernate and SQL 2008.
Tools & Technologies: C# 3.5, NHibernate, SQL 2008, WCF, Hudson integrated builds, NUnit, Agile/Scrum
Umbraco Client Sites
Tools & Technologies
: C# 3.5, Umbraco, ASP.NET, SQL 2008, Windows Server
April 11– Nov 11
Production Support Windows Application
Designed and developed a front end to the production support team and automated production support tasks.  CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) data from multiple Oracle databases as well as monitor the status of various services on numerous servers.
Tools & Technologies: C# 3.5, NHibernate, Oracle, TOAD, XML
Production Support Web Application
Web front end version of the Windows Application.
Tools & Technologies: ASP.NET, C# 3.5, NHibernate, AJAX, Web Services, Oracle TOAD, Windows Server 2008, XML
June 08 – April 11
Sr Consultant Application Development
Design and develop large, complex, N-Tier multi-faceted projects with web/windows front end and SQL server backends.

  • Kimberly Clark – Redesign

Technical Lead for the redesign.  This site includes user administration, product location, email integration, Google search, Internap CDN, analytics and Flash services. Web UI was created in in HTML, ASP.NET and Flash.  Created services and data layer utilizing WCF/REST services and SQL 2008 backend.  Data layer utilizes NHibernate.  Built out dev, integration and QA environments for IIS web server and SQL servers utilizing CruiseControl.Net, MSBuild automated builds and SVN.
Tools & Technologies: C# 3.5, NHibernate, WCF, Facebook, Windows 2008, SQL 2008, XML

  • Kimberly Clark Healthcare – Redesign

Designed CMS architecture and implemented numerous microsites for KC-Healthcare on an accelerated scheduled, i.e.: VAP(Ventilator Associated Pneumonia), Digestive Health, Dental. All CMS microsites had .NET UI, umbraco CMS, services layer utilized WCF and data layer utilized NHibernate to a SQL 2008 database.
Tools & Technologies: C# 3.5, NHibernate, WCF, Umbraco, Windows 2008, SQL 2008, XML

  • Kimberly Clark – New Microsites

Technical lead for multinational team for several premier, high volume websites, i.e.:,,
Tools & Technologies: C# 3.5, NHibernate, WCF, Facebook, Windows 2008, SQL 2008

  • McCormick

Utilized the Sitecore CMS to bring,, and under one CMS system.  Implemented Coveo enterprise search and Omniture analytics solutions.  Managed tech team across Atlanta, India and Bogota.
Tools & Technologies: C# 3.0, Sitecore, WCF, Windows 2008, SQL 2008, XML
Oct 03 – June 08
Senior Consultant
Utilized Microsoft technologies to provide business solutions for clients.  Involved in the planning, analysis, detailed design, development, testing and implementation of client solutions.

  • ChannelRe, Bermuda

Financial Reporting
Served as business analyst and reporting services designer to enhance financial reporting capabilities allowing ChannelRe to better service their internal corporate customers and minimize time of servicing their customer base.  Data was imported from external sources and modified according to ChannelRe business rules.  The new data was exposed via SQL Reportign Services.
Tools & Technologies:  SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server 2005

  • Graham Field Healthcare Products, Atlanta, GA

ERP Client Interface Redesign
Burdened by a time consuming GUI and licensing, Graham-Field was looking to ease user frustration and reduce costs for annual license renewals of their mainframe (SYSPRO) ERP solution. A SmartClient application was developed which provided the users an extremely rich and efficient experience. An SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) using BizTalk Server 2004 orchestrations exposed through Web Services was implemented to invoke proprietary DCOM APIs provided by their ERP solution provider (SYSPRO). This solution allowed dramatically reduced licensing costs and user effort for managing sales orders. Long term, this application will be extended by taking advantage of a plug in architecture to provide additional functionality to warehousing and other business processes.
Tools & Technologies: Biztalk 2004, Web Services, SOA, XML, Janus Windows Forms Controls
Historical Data – Reporting Services Migration
Historical data was migrated to Sql Server Reporting Services for easy lookups.
Tools & Technologies: SQL Reporting Services, SQL 2000
Online Product Catalog
Designed and developed the implementation of new functionality for the existing Product Catalog web site.  The new functions include enhanced searching, grouping, reporting and brand filters as well as globalizing the products for cultures and languages.
Tools & Technologies: ASP.NET 2.0, VB.NET, SQL 2000

  • Dow Jones, New York, NY

Financial Information Services MasterPage Migration
Migrated all existing and new Financial Information Services sites to a new Master Page.  Created new delegate controls for navigation.  Created feature to migrate all existing sites to new master page.  Created event receiver to automatically point new sites to the new master page.
Tools & Technologies: WSS, Features, MasterPages, MOSS 2007, C#

  • VCG Software, Atlanta, GA

Tempest Staffing Software Windows Application
Utilized the Agile Iterative full life cycle development methodology to implement a next-generation SmartClient staffing software windows application code named Tempest.  Served as the lead architect in the design of a next generation commercial software application for a leader in the staffing software industry.  The platform was written to a smart client paradigm and serves as the migration path for three legacy platforms.  Challenges included designing industry leading functionality in the areas of customization, dynamic application configurability and custom user experience.  Additional requirements included the need to support multiple deployment configurations.  The application was developed using Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition and Windows Forms 2.0.  Custom WinForms controls with custom design-time behaviors and GDI+ operations were implemented and forms dynamically created at run-time using a flexible WinFX/XAML-like XML-driven layout.
Tools & Technologies: .NET WinForms, C#, Janus Windows Forms Controls, SQL 2005
Tempest JAD
Lead Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions to document and develop business requirements into preliminary and detailed design documents.  Worked with multiple customer groups to document user, system and functional requirements.

  • Microsoft Consulting Services / Peabody, St Louis, MO

Guidance and Best Practices
Guided the IT team in ASP.Net best practices including web services, caching, windows services, Office Web Components, ORS Cubes, Source Safe, and versioning.  Provide sample code for data access layers, embedding OWC ActiveX controls and Excel OLAP db connections within Excel spreadsheets.

  • Smith, Gambrell & Russell, Atlanta, GA

Phone Directory
Developed a phone and photo directory web part for SGR’s internal 2003 SPS intranet.  The web part displays data from an SPS 2003 profile database which is synced to AD.
Tools & Technologies: SPS 2003, Web Parts

  • Microsoft Consulting Services / Verizon, Tampa, FL

Business Rules Engine Migration
Led an effort to convert legacy business rules for a telecommunications billing system into Microsoft BizTalk 2004.  Used the BTS Rules Engine and a custom code generator to create hundreds of business rules, facts, and vocabularies for the billing system.  Met with clients and with Microsoft to strategize future direction of the billing system.
Tools & Technologies: BizTalk 2004 Rules Engine and C#

  • AFLAC, Columbus, GA

Imaging System Analysis
Evaluated and provided assessment of the current imaging and electronic document management system.  The evaluation included: 1)  An assessment regarding the complexity and support requirements for AFLAC’s current imaging infrastructure.  2)  Risks and constraints within the current imaging infrastructure with perspective on identified strategic direction.  3)  Gap analysis between current imaging and infrastructure and identified strategic needs.  4)  Recommendations for addressing the identified gaps.
Fax Search
AFLAC – Developed an online search tool using C# and the .NET framework allowing users to search through thousands of faxes a day.  The tool uses web services to access the fax images and uses impersonation and Windows Principals for security.  Wrote the Case Procedures and the Unit Testing plans.
Tools & Technologies: ASP.NET, SQL 2000, C#
Other Professional Experience
Texas Turnpike Authority, Austin, TX
November 2002 – Nov 2003
Technical Consultant
Net Quotient Consulting Group, Austin, TX
July 1999 – July 2002
Sr. Consultant
Dell Computer Corporation, Round Rock, TX
August 1997 – June 1999
Contractor – Software Developer V
IBM Corporation, Austin, TX
March 1995 – July 1997
Programmer Analyst
Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, TX
Aug 1993 – March 1995
Engineering Technician III

NAACP Fuels the Fires of Racial Tensions in DeKalb Schools

The AJC reported
in 2010, “DeKalb schools hired its attorneys based on race. DeKalb school board members admit they voted last year to spend almost $1 million more on attorneys to ensure they had a black female attorney working with them.”
Board member Gene Walker infamously said at the time, “I am a very, very race-conscious person. I will never ever try to lead you to believe that I am race-neutral. I see color. I appreciate color. I celebrate color and I love color.”
Apparently not much has changed since then.
In November 2012, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan law firm announced they would no longer represent DeKalb Schools.  John Evans, President of the NAACP DeKalb County Branch, plead before the school board this week to look past qualifications and a “straight forward bid process” and hire a “black firm”.
Evans said, “I know that realistically that in a normal straight forward bid process [black firms] won’t make it. I know we won’t make it.”  Evans went on to suggest they “massage” the process to make sure we have black representation.
Message to Mr. John Evans,
I’m saddened that instead of fighting discrimination and the disenfranchisement of African Americans, you use your position with the NAACP to fuel the fires of racial tensions in DeKalb.  Like a very wise man once said, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
Yours In Service,
Stan Jester
You can see the video of John’s Evans public comments on FactChecker.  Below is the transcript of his speech to the DeKalb Schools Board and Superintendent.
John Evans (President of the NAACP DeKalb County Branch)
I’m here on a mission of mercy. I know these legal services are floating around somewhere. We’ve heard the ones you had retired. We want to know where the process is. The one thing we have as a problem at the NAACP is that we can never be sure blacks are going to be represented. We want to make it clear that we are expecting that process to work.
If you know you don’t have all the ingredients, you have to do something to make it work. The makeup of this board and the makeup of this county almost demands that we have good representation from black law firms. We are not talking about who, what or where, but we are certainly talking about having some. I think you all understand what I mean.
If we don’t do it, nobody else is going to do it. If we have control and we don’t use it, nobody else is going to work it out for us. We have to take what we have and mandate that we want some black firms in that process. I know that realistically that in a normal straight forward bid process we won’t make it. I know we won’t make it. So, we’re asking that those believe in doing the right thing to make sure that the ingredient of black law firms is involved in the process.
I don’t know what you have to do. I don’t know what you’ve done to date. But that process needs to be looked at to make sure that we have representation. We can’t say it too many times that we need black representation in the legal matters of this system. I hope that you all will certainly put your minds to it, whatever you need to do to massage it.
Make sure you do that, for if you don’t, I say it will be an injustice to this district. We’ve had black representation most of the time here recently. We hope and expect you to do it again this time.