03/03/2014 – Cabling And Wireless

Cabling And Wireless

The purpose of this recommendation is to provide the network cabling, wireless infrastructure and 3rd level technical support for all adds, moves, and changes.
DCSD issued a RFP #15-07 to request proposals to provide the network and wireless cabling infrastructure for all DCSD locations.
Financial Impact
Capital Improvements Plan Fund – $2.5 million

Board Discussion
Brantley (Chief Information Officer)
In your package is an executive summary.  The wireless project completed this past November consisted of 1 access point for every 2 classrooms.  That initiative was constructed over 5 years ago.  Since then, with the current advancements in technology and the current influx of mobile technology, the district must increase the number of access points in the classroom.
This will allow one access point for every classroom.  One access point supports about 32 devices.  This will give us a ratio of 1 device per student.

The plan from 5 years ago was implemented last November.  Is this an incremental cost?  Would it have been cheaper to have done 1 access point per classroom to begin with?
Are there any other projection models for the demand moving forward?
The projection model is a live assessment.  It’s hard to anticipate demand 5 years from now.
RFP format request.  Page 4 of the executive summary lists the relative costs of the components.  I don’t see a sum total cost difference between the bids.
Last page is a cost center.  It doesn’t do a comparison, but it give you the unit costs.
For the stakeholders, please go over the challenges and expectations.
The completion date is over the Summer.  Our challenges.  At a high school we may have a thousand mobile devices on a network.  That’s a lot.  One access point can only accommodate 32 devices.