Category Archives: Legislation

Deal Signs Opportunity School District Bill

26 of the 139 perpetually failing schools in Georgia are in DeKalb County.
Todd Rehm is a political consultant and editor of, the most-read political newsletter in Georgia. His Georgia Politics, Campaigns, and Elections for April 22, 2015 included this article today.
Bill Signing
Yesterday, Governor Nathan Deal signed a pair of bills to improve education across the state and to ease governmental burdens on new Charter Schools.
First up was the Opportunity School District legislation, Senate Bill 133,
Deal Signs OSD 1
From a press release by Gov. Deal’s office,

“By signing the Opportunity School District bill, we are promising better days ahead for students trapped in failing schools,” Deal said. “The power of positive change now rests in the hands of Georgia’s voters, and I know they share my belief that every child can learn and should have access to a high-quality education that prepares them for the workforce or for college.
“There are currently 139 schools across Georgia that have received a failing grade from the state accountability system for at least three consecutive years. Too few of these students go on to higher education, too few attain job skills and too few get a high school diploma. Too often this leads to a life that never fulfills its potential. With this new system, we can and will do better.”
The OSD legislation requires a constitutional amendment to be enacted. The General Assembly passed the constitutional amendment resolution and the implementing legislation during the 2015 legislative session. It now requires a majority approval by Georgia voters in the 2016 general election.
Deal also signed HB 372, the Utopian Academy for the Arts Act. The need for this law stems from efforts by Clayton County officials to obstruct the opening of a state-approved charter school, preventing children from attending class and costing the schools hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I can’t remember a previous bill signing that included a costume change, but Gov. Deal donned the blazer worn by students and administrators at Clayton County’s Utopian Academy to sign the bill helping that school.
Deal Signs Utopian 1
If I were a betting man, I’d wager $50 that his press people came up with the idea of putting on the blazer during the Masters.
The Governor’s signature is not required for proposed Constitutional Amendments, which require 2/3 majorities in each chamber and voter approval in a referendum.
Greg Bluestein of the AJC writes about the upcoming referendum, which will be on voters ballots for November 2016.

The governor and his allies have cast his constitutional amendment as a moral imperative. Deal said Tuesday that victims of the state’s worst schools “become the fodder of our prison system.”
Leading Democrats and some influential educators groups have staunchly opposed the plan, fearing it gives the governor’s office far too much power. DuBose Porter, who heads the Democratic Party of Georgia, said the fate of struggling schools shouldn’t rest in the hands of a governor who “has shown such a complete disregard for education and its funding.”
The plan, which passed both chambers by razor-thin margins, now hinges on a 24-word question that will be placed on ballots next year: “Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow the state to intervene in chronically failing public schools in order to improve student performance?”
Deal and his allies are already preparing what could be a multimillion-dollar campaign to push his top second-term initiative across the finish line. And critics have vowed to mount a counteroffensive.

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Education And Economic Development

Independent School District Update By State Rep. Tom Taylor

Rep. Tom Taylor

The Dunwoody Crier published an update written by State Rep. Tom Taylor on various State House bills .  Below is an excerpt on Independent School Districts.
By: State Rep. Tom Taylor
Dunwoody Crier 
As we begin this week, the legislative session for 2015 is drawing rapidly to a close. This coming Friday, March 27, will mark Legislative Day 38 of 40, leaving the last two legislative days until next week.
Here are some of the high priority bills and resolutions that I will be working on this week:
HR-4 – This is a constitutional amendment I am sponsoring that would allow cities in Georgia to form independent school systems, something that has been prohibited by the State Constitution since 1945.
As a constitutional amendment this requires not just a majority, but a two-thirds vote in each chamber, and then passage on a statewide ballot referendum.
If passed, this would allow cities such as Dunwoody to form their own school systems, allowing much more focused local control of our education dollars and management of personnel and curriculum. This legislation was passed out of the House Education Committee on March 9.
The next step is to round up the requisite 120 House votes required for passage. As we enter the last hectic days of the session, with representatives leaving the floor for committee meetings and conference committees, I am going to hold this bill off the floor until next session and spend the next eight months talking with individual House and Senate members and hopefully tee this up in January 2016.
The delay does not hurt us; the issue cannot go on the ballot before November 2016. I do want to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of GLASS (Georgians for Local Area School Systems), co-chaired by Erika Harris and Allegra Johnson of Dunwoody.
You can learn more about Tom Taylor’s bills by continuing to read “Taylor will hold independent school district bill until 2016” at the ‘Crier.