05/04/2015 Work/Business
Agenda Item – Approval of Employment Contracts for 2015-2016
Pursuant to BOE Policy GA:
“An annual written report of the Superintendent’s recommendation for written contract renewals for current employees shall be provided to the Board no less than three (3) business days prior to the meeting of the Board at which contracts are considered and presented for action. The report shall include the category of assignment, which will reflect any change in status. This report will be provided in addition to the personnel information routinely provided by the Superintendent.”
Phase I of the 2015-2016 Personnel Recommended for Employment Contract Renewals Report is attached. This report includes school based employees who were recommended for contract renewal for the 2015-2016 school year.
Preparatory Q&A with DeKalb Schools
Question: Does the list of employment contracts reflect school staff assignments for the FY16 year or is that where they were in FY15?
Answer: (DR. TEKSHIA WARD-SMITH) This is where they were in FY2015.
Question: Can we get school staff assignments for FY16?
Answer: (DR. TEKSHIA WARD-SMITH) A report of all newly hired teachers will come in August.