07/07/2014 – HR Report

Dr. Tekshia M. Ward-Smith (Chief Human Resources Officer)

The HR Report for July 2014 includes the number of new contracted employees, new non contracted employees, resignations, terminations and other.  Note that as it relates to the resignations, we have the teacher resignations broken down into categories.  Of that number, 107 are retirements.
Our goal will be to continue staffing this month to ensure we have a highly qualified teacher in every classroom by the first day of school.  Note that I did not provide a detailed vacancy report because it changes by the minute.
We are beginning to receive resignations as anticipated and we are sticking true to our release protocol that we provided for all employees prior to contract renewal.
Our goal was to have all schools staffed by June 30th.  We are working aggressively to fill regular and Title I vacancies.  We have under 200 vacancies which is good for this time of year.  We anticipated having all of them filled by the first day of school.
Everyone who resigns between May 1st and the 1st week of school will be included on subsequent reports as we report the last day they worked.  In August you’ll also see people with a 5/28 termination date because that’s the actual date they worked.
John Coleman – As we approach the beginning of school, can we get a detailed break down of vacancies compared to last year.
Ward-Smith – yes