Author Archives: Stan Jester

E-SPLOST/GO Bond Discussion Materials

The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) is holding five (5) public meetings to seek public input on proposed options to address the E-SPLOST budget. The proposed solutions are complicated. It’d be a good idea to familiarize yourself with these materials.

See you tonight at Chamblee Charter High School @ 7pm.

The five meetings will be held at the following locations on the following dates:

• Clarkston High School, August 26, 2019, 7:00 pm
• Chamblee Charter High School, August 27, 2019, 7:00 pm
• Miller Grove High School, August 28, 2019, 7:00 pm
• Columbia High School, September 4, 2019, 7:00 pm
• Lakeside High School, September 10, 2019, 7:00 pm

Many people want to know why we are building new high school capacity when we have 6,000 open high school seats. The administration didn’t have a good answer for that last night. If it comes up tonight, hopefully they’ll have a better answer.

Chamblee Charter High School Magnet – A lot of momentum is building to “move” the magnet. There is a very popular misconception that DeKalb Schools treats CCHS differently than the Southwest DeKalb high achievers magnet. However, Chamblee Charter High School Magnet Program is successful due to the hard work of the CCHS community and not the school district. Nevertheless, many people want to move the CCHS magnet down to where it is more accessible to the entire county. I’d like to point out there are no magnet teachers. You can’t just “move” the magnet. Teachers and a large number of students will not follow. You can close the magnet at CCHS and open up another one somewhere else, but YOU CAN’T MOVE THE MAGNET.


Presentation Slides
Handout 1
Handout 2


6:30pm – Sign in
7:00pm – Presentation of E-SPLOST Budget Issues and Proposals/Alternatives
7:45pm – Gather Stakeholder Input via Small Group Facilitation


1. Which proposed actions in step 1 do you support and why?

2. Which proposed actions in step 1 do you not support and why?

3. Which other projects in the E-SPLOST 5 program should the District consider removing, reducing, or increasing and why?

4. Which option for the Arts School do you prefer and why?
a. Funded in E-SPLOST 5 at the Avondale MS site for $15m
b. Funded in GO Bond at the Avondale MS site for $15m
c. Funded in the next E-SPLOST at a different site with a larger facility to include a Performing Arts Center for greater than $70m
d. Cancel the Arts School project

5. What are the pros and cons of moving the High-Achievers Magnet program from Chamblee Charter HS to the new Cross Keys HS?

6. Which GO Bond option do you prefer and why?
a. $265m GO Bond program including 5 new elementary schools
b. $222m GO Bond program including only 4 new elementary schools
c. $100m GO Bond program only to complete E-SPLOST 4 & 5
d. No GO Bond






Public Meetings – GO Bond & E-SPLOST Projects
August 7, 2019 – The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) is holding five (5) public meetings to seek public input on proposed options to address E-SPLOST budget issues arising from an increase in construction costs as well as additional projects.

E-SPLOST Program Budget and GO Bonds
July 9, 2019 – The DeKalb Schools administration presented 3 options to address E‐SPLOST budget issues. DeKalb Schools will be promoting a GO bond. Everybody gets a carrot except for Chamblee, they apparently get the stick.

Options To Address E-SPLOST Budget Issues
May 13, 2019 – In earlier posts, I discussed E-SPLOST Budget Overruns and Projects on Hold. What’s the plan? Here are the options we are currently looking at.

2019 Chromebook Rollout Update

In June 2017, the DeKalb Schools Board approved $27 million over 5 years for the purchase of laptops, software and accessories for each and every DeKalb Schools student and teacher. The school district is currently short Chromebooks and is in the process of purchasing student devices, carts, and accessories necessary to sustain the program.

Chromebook distribution should begin at all schools no later than August 30. Many of the distribution processes are currently underway. Check with your teacher, principal or school council for exact rollout schedule.

Once schools complete the initial Chromebook distribution process, IT will work with each school to resolve any further inventory needs such as additional devices for increased enrollment, reallocation of devices from schools with a decrease in enrollment, and other special circumstances.

DeKalb Schools is targeting a complete rollout of Chromebooks to students by September 30, 2019.

To receive a Chromebook, please complete the Digital Dreamers Device Agreement and return it to the student’s school.

Complete and Submit Online (Incident IQ)
Print Out, sign, and return paper copy to school (language translations)

The district has vetted options for those parents/guardians who choose to purchase device coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair devices. This is not a required fee to receive a device, but highly recommended. Each parent is to contact the desired carrier directly AFTER YOU RECEIVE YOUR CHROMEBOOK to purchase insurance.

Insurance Info >> Bottom of Sign Up Page