Author Archives: Stan Jester

Dangerous Intersection In Front of Dunwoody High School

In 2018 I wrote to the city about the dangerous intersection at Vermack/Womack. You can read my original email and the responses I received below. Nothing has changed since that time and accidents and near misses continue to happen with alarming frequency.

Just this past week, the Dunwoody Police Department posted about a serious accident that totaled a FedEx vehicle and a passenger vehicle. The mangled vehicle photos are below. Thankfully no one was injured. Between this intersection and the Tilly Mill/Mt. Vernon Place intersection, it’s a miracle more people aren’t injured or worse.

I am reiterating my call for the City of Dunwoody to do something about the intersection in front of Dunwoody High School before there is another accident.

Email To The City of Dunwoody
Mayor: Lynn Deutsch
City Council: Joe Seconder, Jim Ritcher, Tom Lambert, John Heneghan, Pam Tallmadge, Stacey Harris
Former City Council Member: Terry Nall
Police Chief: Billy Grogan
City Manager: Eric Linton
Assistant City Manager: Jay Vinicki

As you are well aware, last week there was another serious accident in front of Dunwoody High School at the corner of Womack and Vermack.

As commented by the mother of the young man who was hit,

“My sons car was hit in this accident, the FedEx driver ran through the stop sign, he said he didn’t see it😫
The air bags deployed, so grateful he wasn’t hurt.”

As you can see from the email chain below, a few years ago I asked the City of Dunwoody to reassess the traffic control measures at the corner of Womack and Vermack. To this day, several times a year I come within seconds of getting hit at that intersection. They aren’t rolling the 4-way stop, they flat out don’t see it, or choose not to stop.

I suspect there are additional measures that can be taken.

This time we were lucky there were no serious injuries. Please don’t wait until there is a fatality to do something about this intersection.

Email chain with the City of Dunwoody

From: Stan Jester
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2018 1:35 PM
To: Terry Nall <>
Cc: Jim Riticher; Eric Linton; Jessica Guinn; B. Grogan
Subject: Re: Stop Sign DHS

These cats aren’t California rolling the stop sign, they are blowing through it at full speed.  My interpretation is that they don’t see it.  I would have been T-Boned at 40ish miles an hour if I didn’t see it coming.  Given the flashing red lights, I’m not sure what else can be done.

Just something to think about.  Thanks for listening.  Happy Holidays to you and your family.  –Stan

From: B. Grogan
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 9:57 AM
To: Stan Jester
Cc: Jim Riticher; Eric Linton; Jessica Guinn; B. Grogan
Subject: Re: Stop Sign DHS


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. As Terry said, this is one of the areas that does get a lot of enforcement due to its location. I will definitely pass this on for some additional enforcement.

Have a great day.

Billy J. Grogan

From: Terry Nall
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2018 1:13 PM
To: Stan Jester
Cc: Jim Riticher ; Eric Linton ; Jessica Guinn ; B. Grogan
Subject: Re: Stop Sign DHS

Hi Stan,

Thanks for your note.

I cc’d Chief Grogan, but I am aware the intersection of Womack Rd at Vermack Rd is part of the active enforcement by Dunwoody PD and especially during school days.

Unfortunately, some of our drivers in and around the city treat stop signs more casually than they should.  Since I live on Vernon North Dr, we see it quite a bit at our 3-way stop on Mt Vernon Way, despite the regular enforcement of Dunwoody PD.

Unlike our 3-way stop intersection, Vermack/Womack has the added traffic control device of a flashing red light, as well as the stop signs, so it surely cannot be a question of unable to see the stop signal devices.

Hope you and your family had an awesome Thanksgiving!

Terry Nall
Dunwoody City Council Member (At Large)

From: Terry Nall; Jim Riticher
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2018 12:57 PM
To: Terry Nall; Jim Riticher
Cc: Jim Riticher ; Eric Linton ; Jessica Guinn ; B. Grogan
Subject: Re: Stop Sign DHS

Terry and Jim,
I wanted to drop you a note about the stop sign at Womack and Vermack. 2 or 3 times a year somebody blows through that stop sign right in front of me.

It happened again this afternoon. I saw it coming and was able to blow my horn to tell another person coming the other way to stop.


DCSD Employees May Continue To Work Remotely For 30 Days

DeKalb Schools Teachers and staff experiencing hardships may notify their immediate supervisors, complete the Hardship Request Application, and continue to work remotely for 30 days. At the end of the 30-day window, the hardship application will be reviewed. Teachers and staff, who are ready to return, may do so on January 4th.

Dr. Michelle Jones, DeKalb Schools Chief Human Resources Officer, sent this message to DeKalb Schools employees last Thursday.

Stan Jester DeKalb Schools

From: Dr. Michelle Jones
DeKalb Schools Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
Subject: DCSD Employees Return to Work Considerations
Date: December 31, 2020

As we begin our phases of re-opening, the Division of Human Resources is here to assist employees with employment-related needs. On January 4, 2021, we are welcoming back all 10, 11, and 12-month employees who were working remotely to return to the work setting. Our goal is to get everyone back to our buildings, to transition to our physical workspace/classrooms, and to prepare for a hybrid learning environment. While leave or accommodations may be granted to employees under Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and/or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), further considerations for temporary hardship situations have been requested at this time by employees. The District’s goal is to be supportive and understanding of the concerns of our employees during this pandemic, while maintaining the operation of the school district.Please note that the needs of our employees and students are top priorities in the decision-making process; therefore, it is imperative that we are aware of the needs of our team members in order to execute the appropriate plan for alternate work arrangements. In this second phase of employees returning to the building, there are three options beginning January 4th:

• Teachers and staff, who are ready to return, may do so on January 4th.
• Teachers and staff, who have submitted the required documentation to request an ADA accommodation and have been approved, may continue to work remotely.
• Teachers and staff, who have submitted the required documentation to request an ADA accommodation and have not been approved, may continue to work remotely until the Division of Human Resources determines eligibility.
• Teachers and staff experiencing hardships may notify their immediate supervisors, complete the Hardship Request Application, and continue to work remotely for 30 days. At the end of the 30-day window, the hardship application will be reviewed. (Note: The Hardship Request Application must be submitted no later than Friday, January 8, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. through the following link:

Employees may also visit the employee sharepoint portal to access additional resources within the Resources tab of the Division of Human Resources. We are all in this together, and we are here to make your transition back to the work setting as smooth as possible.

Hardship Request Application

Any hardship request will be acknowledged until DCSD announces that students are returning to school. The employee must agree to accept the alternative work assignment assigned by their immediate supervisor and that such assignment is not an adverse employment action under Georgia or federal law.

Employees must also describe the nature of the hardship. Documentation may be submitted to substantiate your request for hardship consideration.

  • Health condition (non- FMLA or ADA)
  • Pending FMLA request
  • Pending ADA request
  • Childcare: School age
  • Childcare: Under school age
  • Care for a family member with a serious health condition
  • Other (Please specify)

Noteworthy comment from DSW2Contributor about the most recent Principals Meeting

“[DeKalb Schools Administration] told Principals to approve all hardship requests and to also be ready to open schools for F2F.

TEACHERS and STAFF: my advice continues to be that everyone should fill out a hardship request. Just tell the truth. The “other” option is there for a reason, so use it if you have to — just tell truth. Your reason might be that you have not been provided with (and/or have not been able to purchase for yourself) N-95 masks and other PPE. Your reason might be that you are too fearful to come back before you and other members of your household have been vaccinated. Maybe you do not have transportation because MARTA closed the bus route you use to get to school, or maybe your spouse/partner needs to use your only car because their bus route was closed. Maybe you did report to school, saw how badly prepared your school was, and now you are too stressed out and fearful to go back.