Author Archives: Stan Jester

Central Office Reorg

The Reorganization of the Central Office includes the reclassification of existing positions, the realignment of departments, the elimination of existing positions, creation of new positions, appointment of senior level and cabinet personnel, and the creation of a new division.

Senior Level & Cabinet Level Personnel

  • Deputy Chief Operations Officer, Facilities & Operations – Mr. Noel Maloof
  • Chief of Staff, Superintendent’s Office – Mr. Antwyn Brown
  • Associate Superintendent, Office of Accountability – Dr. Linda Frazer
  • Regional Superintendent, Region 1 – Ms. Melanie Pearch
  • Regional Superintendent, Region 7 – Dr. Rodney Swanson
  • Executive Director of Information & Innovation, Information Technology – Ms. Monika Davis
  • Executive Director of Infrastructure & Support, Information Technology – Mr. Wade Barnes
  • Executive Director of School Culture & Climate, Student Support & Intervention – Dr. Deborah Moore-Sanders
  • Executive Director of Board Operations, Board Office – Dr. Yolanda Williamson

Peachtree Charter Middle School Principal

Dr. Donnie Davis, principal of Peachtree Charter Middle School, has been reassigned to another position within the District. The purpose of this assignment is for the good and efficient operation of the school and district.

The DeKalb County School District will move forward with the selection of a new leader of Peachtree Charter Middle School as soon as possible. During this transition period, two retired veteran principals, Mr. Robert Williams and Ms. Terese Allen will serve as Interim Co-Principals.

Reclassification of Existing Positions

  • Deputy Chief Financial Officer (formerly Executive Director of Finance) – VACANT (FY20)
  • Deputy Chief Operations Officer (formerly Executive Director of Facilities & Operations) – VACANT (FY20)

Re-Alignment of Departments

  • Move of Risk Management Department within Office of Legal Affairs to the Division of Finance
  • Move of Legal Affairs to the Division of Human Capital Management as Employee Relations
  • Renaming of Human Capital Management to Human Resources

Elimination the Office of Legal Affairs Division and Existing Positions

  • Chief Legal Officer
  • Legal Administrator

Creation of New Positions

  • Internal Investigator (2 positions)
  • Open Records Request Specialist II (1 position)

Supporting Documents

2021 Utilization Matrix

DeKalb Schools utilization forecast the for all Region 1 elementary schools in 2021 given the current plan.

Dunwoody ES Principal Sanders and Kittredge Magnet Principal Neely are members of a cross-divisional logistics team to assist with this transition for students, parents, teachers and staff.


Dunwoody ES

  • Staffing allotments for the Annex and Main Campus have been proposed awaiting approval;
  • Several transportation options have been developed for community discussion and input
  • After School Extended Day Program will operate on Main Campus with a shuttle delivering students from the Annex to Main Campus for program participation

Kittredge Magnet

  • Shuttle sites have been identified and are in the process of being finalized
  • IT has identified infrastructure and security needs
  • Interactive boards will be in all classrooms
  • Additional place space will be added to accommodate 4th and 5th grade students.

These two spreadsheets depict the 2021 enrollment and utilization of Region 1 elementary schools before and after the current redistricting plan.

Region 1 Utilization Matrix