Austin ES Replacement Award Approval

Austin ES Replacement Award Approval
 10/2/2017 – Work/Business
eboard link icon Agenda Item – Austin ES Replacement Award Approval
Supporting Documents
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The scope of work for this project is use the prototypical design for a 920-seat, 59 Instructional Units (I.U.’s) elementary school and adapt and construct the new building on the school’s original site located at 5321 Roberts Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338. Specific details related to the scope of work for this project can be found on the District’s solicitation website at
Requested Action
It is requested that the Board of Education approve the award of RFP # 17-752-058 to Nix-Fowler Constructors, Inc. the most responsive and responsible Offeror whose proposal is the most advantageous to the District based on the evaluation factors, for general contractor services for the Austin Elementary School Replacement Project, for the lump sum amount of $21,714,000.00.