11/03/2014 – Policy DJE

Vendors That May Exceed $100,000 per Policy DJE

The following vendors may exceed the $100,000.00 threshold for goods and/or services for the current fiscal year. Included in the attached listing are the names of vendors expected to exceed $100,000.00 for each division. The intent of the approval is to comply with the adopted Board Policy, descriptor Code DJE. All requirements of the policy will be followed in selecting vendors and obtaining approvals. Any request for a single purchase that is $100,00.00 or greater, will be brought back to the Board for approval per Policy DJE.

Michael Thurmond – DCSD Superintendent
I would like to request this agenda item be pulled from the agenda – Vendors That May Exceed $100,000 per Policy DJE
Thad Mayfield – Board Member
It would be helpful to have a sense of the exposure.  This looks a little open ended.  Maybe get an idea of their history.
Dr. Michael Bell – DCSD Chief Financial Officer
We could take a look at the list of vendors and their prior receipts.  But like they say, prior performance is no predictor of future performance.  But we could do that.
Dr. Kathy Howe – Deputy Superintendent
I would like to clarify that any item of $100,000 would be brought back separately, so it’s not a blanket approval for the amount to be spent by these vendors. It’s just notice.