02/08/2014 – Prioritize Agenda


02/08/2014 Board Retreat

Summary of Discussion (Extracted from Realtime Blog)
They are going over what they want to accomplish and trying to prioritize it. Coleman recommends taking Dual Accreditation off the agenda. He would like an offline update from the Superintendent.
Agenda – Strategic Plan
There is discussion about how much of the strategic plan we are going to discuss today.
Carter – Strategic plan is ongoing. They are figuring out performance metrics for schools among other things. The Flexibility Decision is also part of the strategic planning process.
Morley – Why are we getting involved in the Strategic plan now. We have charged the Superintendent with putting together a Strategic Plan and we have a team of people doing that. We don’t want various board members getting in there and micro managing it now.
Orson – As a board member, I would like to be more engaged in the development of the Strategic Plan instead of not being involved until the tail end.
Mayfield, Coleman and Orson would like a meeting with the people creating the Strategic plan.