Across the 5 DeKalb Schools Regions, as of June 6, there are 391 teacher vacancies. The school district will employ 3 recruitment strategies over the Summer to fill these vacancies.
Job Fair – The school district will host a certified teacher fair to recruit effective teachers during the month of July to assist with remaining vacancies throughout the school district.
Substitutes as Teachers – Current substitute teachers interested in becoming teachers will be provided the tools and information necessary to become a certified teacher.
Qualified Applicants List – In the past principals and hiring managers were given the list of qualified applicants who applied for that job. Moving forward, Principals will be provided with a list of all qualified applicants that have completed a DeKalb County School District teacher application whether they applied for that particular job in PATS or not.
Principal Vacancy Report
Region | School | Current Principal | Reason for Vacancy | Status |
1 | New Briarcliff/Druid Hills ES | TBD | New School | Candidates Interviewing |
1 | Chamblee MS | Jose DeJesus | Resignation | Candidates Interviewing |
1 | Kingsley ES | Brent McBride | Resignation | Recruitment in Progress |
2 | Fernbank ES | Jason Marshall | Resignation | Recruitment in Progress |
2 | Lakeside HS | Robert Williams Sub Supply | Reassignment | Candidates Interviewing |
4 | Martin Luther King, Jr HS | Andrew Tatum/Vivian Terry Sub Sup-ply | Reassignment | Recruitment in Progress |
Current starting salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Georgia’s seven largest school districts:
1. Atlanta $44,312
2. DeKalb $42,500
3. Fulton $41,916
4. Cobb $41,330
5. Gwinnett $41,028
6. Clayton $40,962
7. Forsyth $40,790
Source: Gwinnett County Public Schools
Teacher vacancies across metro Atlanta as of June 2016:
Atlanta 278
Clayton 300
Cobb 200
DeKalb 372.5
Fulton 292
Gwinnett 264
The DeKalb County School District is holding a summer job fair for certified teachers on June 28, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at district headquarters, 1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd. in Stone Mountain. Interested teachers should bring multiple copies of their resume, transcript and content assessment scores.
I’m just curious how the data are gathered. I know that 8 teachers in the English department alone left the county and/or profession this year, yet there is somehow only 11 reported teacher vacancies in Region 1 (which is where Cross Keys is located). I know we have hired 2 new English teachers already, but I just have a hard time believing that 11 is the total number of vacancies that we have. Close to 10 teachers at Cross Keys retired this year, leaving even more vacancies. Any information on this?
I’m not sure what the difference is between the number of “Vacancies” and the number of “Posted Vacancies”. It also wouldn’t hurt to go back and watch the 06/06 Work Session – Human Capital Report where it was presented.
I’ll ask for a breakdown of the open vacancies in Region I by job title and high school.
I took this chart to mean current vacancies. If you look at the jobs listed in PATS, you will see that there are jobs that were posted in the last week while other jobs are gone because they have been filled. There are a lot of jobs still open on the website. People move to other jobs in the school system and new positions are created. I am wondering how the historical data on teacher vacancies has changed over the last few years. Not just that, but how many highly qualified people have moved on and have we been able to replace them?
The reason so many teachers are leaving Dekalb County is because, I believe, the power principals are giving. A principal can make or break a teacher.
Teachers are not leaving DeKalb schools because of principals. Teachers and everyone else is leaving DeKalb schools because of the culture of the district. Teachers and principals don’t mind working hard for the benefit of children, but it is the inefficiency, poor communication, lack of instructional focus , and bullying by parents that makes teachers and administrators quit or retire. It is the lack of accountability, responsibility, and customer service that is making teachers flee the district, even money can’t make them stay.
Has anyone looked at the upcoming Board Meeting notes (8/1) and why with HUNDREDS of resignations in July’s report and an additional 100+ in August report, DeKalb has only hired TWO people for schools that will open its doors in less than two weeks?? Schools will be significantly understaffed and filled with “subs” (as was stated by the head of HR in the July Board Mtg online). This is unacceptable and my tax dollars are NOT hard at work in DeKalb. Our children deserve better…Step it up DeKalb!
…never see a para in the classroom with a teacher… never see a para schedule… paras have projects and secretary things daily to do