At the board meeting on Monday, the Board of Education approved Dr. Green’s latest reorganization plan.
— Dr. Stephen Green, Superintendent DCSD
ReOrganizations To Date
Phase I – (DEC 2015)
Phase II – (MAR 2016)
Phase III – (APR 2016)
Appointment of Personnel for Senior Level Positions
Leo Brown – Dr. Leo Brown (resume) was the Assistant Director of Human Resources for Emory University from 2005 – 2011. He was also the Chief Human Capital Officer for Kansas City Public Schools from 2011 – 2012 where he met Superintendent Green. Dr. Brown will start as DeKalb Schools’ Chief Human Capital Officer in January 2016.
Vasanne Tinsley – Dr. Vasanne Tinsley (resume) started with DeKalb Schools as a School Counselor in 1994. She was most recently the Director of Support Services and is now being promoted to Deputy Superintendent of Student Support & Intervention.
Reclassification of Existing Positions
- Chief Academic & Accountability Officer
(formerly Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum &Instruction) - Chief Human Capital Officer
(formerly Chief Human Resources Officer) - Executive Director, Exceptional Education
(formerly Director, Exceptional Education) - Exec Director, Professional Learning & Leadership Development
(formerly Director, Professional Learning)
Creation of New Positions
- Chief Communications & Community Relations Officer
- Deputy Superintendent, Student Support & Intervention
- Executive Director, Student Advancement
- Director, Charters, School Governance, & Flexibility
Realignment of Existing Positions
- Direct report of (5) Regional Superintendents to the Superintendent
- Decentralization and local autonomy to Regional Superintendents to include wraparound support of human capital, curriculum, technology, facilities/transportation management, and finance management.