08/04/2014 – Supertinendent Search Update

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Meeting Minutes
Dr. Michael Erwin, member of the Ad Hoc Committee, provided a brief synopsis of the Committee’s work, which included discussing a timeline, qualifications, community input, search firm information and the scope of work. He noted that the Committee worked for several months to collect and discuss various sources of information to provide the full Board with best practices models for the selection of a superintendent search firm.
Mr. John Coleman, Mr. Jim McMahan & Dr. Joyce Morley, other ad hoc committee members, also detailed discussions of the ad hoc committee meetings, as well as provided clarification on the document provided for the discussion.
At the conclusion of the presentation, a discussion ensued, and the Board authorized the Superintendent to begin the Request for Quote (RFQ) for the selection of a search firm. Dr. Johnson also extended the life of the Ad Hoc Committee and charged them with finalizing the RFQ.
There being no further points of discussion, Dr. Johnson called for a motion to adjourn the committee of the whole.