Tag Archives: Make-Up Days

Virtual Learning Make Up Days

Virtual Learning planned for DeKalb Schools make up days.

DeKalb Schools (DCSD) closed schools for four days in January due to inclement weather – Jan. 8 as well as Jan. 17-19.
Recently, stakeholders participated in the inclement weather survey that closed on Friday, February 2, 2018. Over 21,075 stakeholders provided input. Of the 21,075 participants, approximately 63% selected virtual learning as the preferred option to make-up the inclement weather days.
DCSD wants to remain flexible in case more inclement weather days are needed in the future, so virtual learning will be implemented as the need arises.
Obviously, this is uncharted territory for me. My understanding of how this is going to work is that teachers will provide students with a virtual assignment that is content-specific and relevant. Teachers will grade the virtual learning assignment. The assignment will be aligned to the standards and what the students are currently learning.
Assignments may involve reading, writing, conducting research, performing mini labs, completing practice problems, taking notes, and/or answering questions. Students will be given one week to complete and submit the virtual assignment.
Virtual Learning access will be made available to students over two weeks – the week of Feb. 27 and the week of March 8. Students will have five school days plus a weekend to complete their assignments.
Parents will receive an official communication from local schools during the week of February 20. Parents are also encouraged to contact their respective school principal and teacher for additional information and details during the two virtual learning weeks.
Over the next couple of weeks, principals and teachers will be given guidance on virtual learning and a refresher in the school district’s technology system (VERGE). Teachers will plan, develop, and post the virtual learning assignment for February 27- March 6, 2018 in VERGE.

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Survey – Making Up Days Lost to Inclement Weather
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DeKalb Schools Make Up Days
January 23, 2018 – The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) will make up two of its three inclement weather days on Feb. 16 and March 9. A survey will be presented for options on making up the other two days.

DeKalb Schools Make Up Days

The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) will make up two of its three inclement weather days on Feb. 16 and March 9. A survey will be presented for options on making up the other two days.

DCSD closed schools for four days this month due to inclement weather – Jan. 8 as well as Jan. 17-19.
In considering its options to recover that lost instructional time, DCSD has committed to keep the current President’s Day, Spring Break, and last day of school as scheduled.
The survey will be administered sometime in the future.
Potential make up day options could include a virtual learning day, the addition of a learning period to the regular school day, among others. DCSD administration wants to remain flexible in case more inclement weather days are needed in the future.

Atlanta Public Schools will add 30 minutes to school day to make up lost time
Atlanta Public Schools will add 30 minutes to school day to make up lost time
APS gathered feedback from parents, principals, students, staff, and the community and issued a survey on the topic, outlining six options for making up the missed days. The most popular option was to extend the school day by 30 minutes.
APS surveyed principals separately and nearly half of them (49%) preferred a 30 minute extension.
Gwinnett County Public Schools’ use of three digital learning days has saved them from using makeup days from the recent snow and ice.
However, the three days missed in September due to Hurricane Irma will have to be made-up using built-in days.
The three makeup days — Feb. 23, March 9 and March 23 will now be changed from student holidays to regular school days. This will put the county back on track to its required 180 days of instruction.
According to Gwinnett County Public Schools Director of Community Relations Bernard Watson, Feb. 9 will remain as a student/teacher holiday and Feb. 19 will still be a student holiday/staff development day.
Clayton County is asking for feedback from parents, teachers and the community about how to make up three instructional days. Options include classes on days originally scheduled as breaks, an hour added on five school days, or school on three Saturdays.
Fulton County will hold classes Feb. 16, originally set as a day off, and had not announced a decision about other makeup days. The district said it was looking into at-home learning options to make up instructional time lost.
Cobb County had not talked about makeup days, a spokesman said earlier, because since its school days are longer than the minimum length of time required, “We’ve got plenty of seat time built in.”
Cherokee County will require children to attend school Feb. 21, 22 and 23 – days previously designated for February Break – to make up three of the four school days missed in January because of weather, officials announced.

The Kittredge Magnet School Principal’s Advisory Council met on January 22, 2018. During the meeting we discussed the impact inclement weather school closures have had on learning objectives. As a result of that discussion, the Kittredge Magnet School Principal’s Advisory Committee would like to request the following:
• all days of lost instructional time be made up. While this may not be a requirement as a State of Emergency was declared, the Principal’s Advisory Council believes that making up the lost instructional time is necessary to allow faculty and students to meet their academic objectives for the semester.
• the lost instructional time is made up via full instructional days and/or digital learning activities to be completed at home. The prior DCSD strategy of extending the school day by 20 minutes was disruptive for faculty, students, and families and provided minimal academic benefit.
• postpone Georgia Milestone testing for one week. This will provide additional time to allow teachers and students to prepare fully.
• prioritize the development of a digital learning framework and plan. This will provide the opportunity for staff to plan ahead for meaningful instruction to continue despite inclement weather events that may result in school closures.
We appreciate your consideration of our suggestions and look forward to collaborating with you to maximize student outcomes for the remainder of the school year.
Hilary Phillips, Chair
Kittredge Magnet School Principal’s Advisory Council