A couple weeks ago I asked, “How much is enough?” Apparently the answer for FY2018 is $1,010,303,466 for the General Fund ($1.7 billion for all combined funds including E-SPLOST).

On Monday, the DeKalb Board of Education approved a FY2018 Tentative Budget. The Final FY2018 Budget Adoption and Adoption of Tax Levy is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27 at 7pm.
The administration is currently requesting no raise for any employees and no decrease in the millage rate. Given the increase in state QBE funding and expected increase in local property values, the school district is expecting to take in $32 million more than last year in the General Fund.
A majority of that will go to a mandated 16.8% ($14.5M) increase in state retirement funding and appropriation of the annualized raise from last January.
Let me know your thoughts and questions.
Related Documents
Tentative Consolidated Budget FY2018
FY2018 Tentative Budget Detail
2017 Tax Digest Five Year History of Levy
2017 Notice of Property Tax Increase
Annual Operating Budget Development Process Calendar for FY2018
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 (11:30a.m.) – 2nd Millage Rate Hearing
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 (6:15p.m.) – 3rd Millage Rate Hearing
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 (7:00p.m.) – Final FY2018 Budget Adoption and Adoption of Tax Levy