Betsy Devos was confirmed this afternoon as the next Secretary of Education. DeVos and DeKalb schools underline the differences in philosophy in how to fix public education. Any thoughts?
DeVos believes a child’s education should not be limited by race, income, zip code, disability, home language, or background.

Betsy DeVos
United States Secretary of Education
Let the education dollars follow each child, instead of forcing the child to follow the dollars. This is pretty straightforward. And it’s how you go from a closed system to an open system that encourages innovation. People deserve choices and options.

Dr. Stephen Green
CEO & Superintendent, DeKalb County School District
We invite Secretary DeVos to join us at a point of common understanding for DeKalb public schools and public schools everywhere: The true mission of education should be providing every student – gifted, mentally challenged, expatriated, or burdened by distracting socioeconomic or family needs – with the foundational elements to succeed.
We ask Secretary DeVos to lead a transformation in solving the most serious problem facing public schools today – a real and growing need for dedicated services and programs that help address the consequences of poverty (mobility, nutrition, emotional, family instability, health, etc.). These problems affect education in ways no standardized tests can measure.
For kids to succeed, we must shift from politics to problem-solving. We invite Secretary DeVos to become our partner in finding ways to give public schools what they truly need to succeed. It’s time to bring together resources … and resourceful collaboration … to support socioeconomic improvements that boost schools and students.