Category Archives: Teachers

The Other Half: School Employees Who Don't Teach

The National Center For Education Statistics released Back To School Statistics. From 1970 to 2010, in the United States student enrollment increased by a modest 7.8%, while the number of public-school teachers increased by 60%. During the same time, non-teaching staff positions increased by 138%, and total staffing grew by 84%. Teachers across the country now comprise just half of all public-education employees. Their salaries and benefits absorb one-quarter of current education expenditures.
As Nancy Jester has said over the last few years, Spending at DeKalb Schools since 1996 reflect the same trends. Student enrollment has increased 16% over the last 20 years. At the same time, spending on General Administration increased by as much as 150% and spending on Staff Services increased by almost 400% leading up to the recession while spending on teachers only increased by 50%.

You can see the graph and data for your school district here: Dekalb, Fulton, APS, Cobb, Gwinnett, and many more.