Category Archives: Superintendent Search

DeKalb Schools Has A New Superintendent

Dr. Stephen Green, superintendent of Kansas City Public Schools in Missouri, will become DeKalb Schools’ next superintendent on July 1 of this year.
Dekalb Superintendent Stephen GreenDr. Green is credited with leading KCPS back to provisional accreditation within two years of being named its superintendent in 2012. He had previously served as KCPS interim superintendent for several months.
Under Dr. Green’s leadership, KCPS earned 92.5 points towards the state of Missouri’s school achievement standards in 2014. That was 8.5 points more than the school district earned in 2013, and a 54.5-point increase from the 2012 results. In August 2014, Missouri’s Board of Education recognized the district’s gains by granting KCPS provisional accreditation.
Earlier this year, he was recognized for his achievements by being named “Superintendent of the Year” by his peers, the Missouri Association of School Administrators.
Dr. Stephen Green’s Recent Employment History

Position District/Organization State Student
Dates of
Superintendent Kansas City, Missouri Public Schools MO 16,850 2011 – Present
President Kauffman Scholars MO 2005 – 2011
of CSD #28
New York City
Dept of Ed.
NY 1.1 million 2003 – 2005
Executive Director The College Board NY 1995 – 2003

Green is the former president and CEO of Kauffman Scholars, Inc., an access and graduation program aimed significantly at increasing the number of college graduates from Kansas City’s urban schools. Kauffman Scholars is a comprehensive academic enrichment and scholarship program that provides coordinated, intensive, tutoring and life skills support to students beginning in middle school and continuing through the college years.
Before joining Kauffman Scholars, he was superintendent of Community School District #28 and a local instructional superintendent in Region 3 for the New York City Board of Education. He was responsible for providing instructional leadership and support to the 34 schools in the district, and worked with a team of school administrators to ensure instructional improvement among the region’s 142 schools.
As national executive director of the CollegeEd Program for the College Board, Dr. Green’s leadership focused on helping middle school students understand the importance of a college education and exploring available options. He has served as national executive director of school-level services, as national director of the Pacesetter Program, and as associate director for Pacesetter Planning and Development for the College Board.
When DeKalb County schools approached Dr. Green about the position, the timing, opportunity and location were right. Two of his four children live in the DeKalb County region, along with three of his four grandchildren. One of those grandchildren is 3 years old and will be attending a DeKalb school.
“I am looking forward to helping lead DeKalb schools to new elevations and to being able to spend a lot of quality time with my children and grandchildren,” Dr. Green said. “These opportunities don’t come around very often and I simply could not pass it up.”
“After a comprehensive nearly six-month search, the board has selected an experienced, well-suited educational leader to move the district forward under his successful innovative approaches to teaching and learning,” says Board Chair Melvin Johnson. “Dr. Green brings an impressive record to DeKalb not only from Kansas City, but also from New York, New Jersey and Indiana. He was a stabilizing force in Kansas City and will do the same here in DeKalb County.”

Related Docs
Bio – Dr. Stephen Green
DeKalb Schools Has A New Superintendent
Message From PCU (05/14/2015)
DeKalb Schools Press Release (05/13/2015)
Dr. Melvin Johnson – News Announcement (05/13/2015)

New Superintendent In Our Very Near Future

New Superintendent finalists’ names will be released in the very near future.
Dekalb SuperintendentThe DeKalb County Board of Education met this past weekend to interview candidates to replace outgoing superintendent Michael Thurmond. Recently abhorrently racist comments came to light, and on Monday the school board moved to immediately severe its working relationship with ProAct.
On Wednesday, the school board met again and is moving forward with a list of highly qualified candidates. Nelson Mullins, the district’s outside counsel, has a great deal of experience with superintendent searches and will step in to close the process. A list of 1 to 3 superintendent finalists’ names will be released in the “very near future”.
In the mean time, Superintendent Michael Thurmond told the AJC that he would stay on until his replacement is found. It is undetermined if Mr. Thurmond will stay on board for a transition period. The school board has only one employee, the superintendent. Once Mr. Thurmond steps down, the transition team and logistics will be up to the new superintendent.
PCU, Parent Councils United, released an open letter to the public welcoming the unknown new superintendent and mentioned the current superintendent’s status as “beloved my many in the community”.
Open Letter to DeKalb’s Next Superintendent
Dear New Superintendent,
DeKalb County is ready for you! We don’t know who you are, but we have been hearing about you for the last few weeks. Our Board’s Community Liaison Group is impressed by you. They became acquainted with you on paper, discussed your accomplishments, and highly recommended you to be interviewed by our Board of Education. Last weekend, our BOE members left their interview with you energized and excited by what you could bring to our district. We know that you must have inspired them because they have been able to stay focused on completing their search for you in the midst of many distractions. We commend our Board for staying true to their goal of finding you, so that you can bring strong visionary leadership and continue the progress made over the last two years.
If you watched our Board of Education meetings yesterday, you are aware of the distractions our Board is facing. Board members voted to terminate the contract with our superintendent search firm, PROACT, in the midst of controversy surrounding the firm’s CEO. PROACT’s sister company, SUPES Academy, was involved in a no-bid contract with Chicago Public Schools. This contract is now under investigation. As documents have been released during the course of the investigation, the PROACT/SUPES CEO has come under fire for his behavior in the 1990’s. Luckily, the Chicago scandal has nothing to do with you. Our Board has an independent relationship with you and doesn’t need the search firm to facilitate that.
You may be hearing that some citizens are asking our current superintendent to stay in place. This phenomenon happens with any leadership transition—people are apprehensive of change. Mr. Thurmond has told us that he is not interested in the job and is stepping down on June 30, 2015. We understand the sentiment regarding Mr. Thurmond; he is beloved by many in the community. Because of this, we believe he can help smooth the path for you. He has the best interests of our students in mind, so we expect that he will help you transition into the superintendent role and share the wisdom he has gained over his tenure.
We want you to know that parent leaders are not the only DeKalb stakeholders who are ready to welcome you. Parent Councils United (PCU) hosted a roundtable discussion with some of DeKalb County’s most influential leaders, such as Interim CEO Lee May, DeKalb Legislative Delegation Chair Howard Mosby, and Chamber of Commerce Chair-Elect Al Edwards. During this January, 2015 meeting, we discussed cityhood initiatives, annexation movements, reform efforts, and DeKalb County Schools. The group acknowledged that the quality of the school system impacts all areas of the county and that finding you was/is a top priority for DeKalb. PCU has reached out to metro Atlanta and DeKalb leaders from various organizations. These leaders stand ready to welcome you. They are affiliated with organizations such as the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, Leadership DeKalb, Leadership Atlanta, the Junior League of DeKalb County, South DeKalb Improvement Association, DeKalb County Council of PTAs, DeKalb Municipal Association, the Latin American Association and our metro Atlanta universities.
PCU is supporting our Board of Education as it hires you, and we will support you as you transition into the role as DeKalb Superintendent. PCU includes executive board members from Dunwoody Chamblee Parent Council (DCPC), Emory LaVista Parent Council (ELPC), South DeKalb Parent Council (SDPC), and Tucker Parent Council. We pledge to do whatever we can to help you so that you can lead us and our children into a bright DeKalb County future.
Parent Councils United