Category Archives: SPLOST


It appears the school district is between a rock and a hard place with DSA and the administration is asking for an additional $5 million to fix it.

DeKalb School of the Arts (DSA) provides the highest quality education possible through academics and the arts. US News & World Report ranked DSA #3 in the state and #102 in the country. Acceptance into DSA includes: cumulative GPA of 80%, no grade lower than 71, audition in two arts disciplines, and interviews with the faculty among numerous other requirements.

DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts (DESA) is a Performing Arts Magnet School. DESA is a Title I school and serves students in grades kindergarten to seventh. Students in grades 2-7 who wish to attend must have a GPA of 3.0 and students in grades 4-7 must go through an audition process. Students in grades K-1 need just apply.
The ESPLOST IV Referendum language legally binds the district to a “Modifications, upgrades, and additions to Avondale Middle School for an Arts School” as well as “Capital Renewal Program to include renovations, modifications, and upgrades to … DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts”
ESPLOST IV Oversight
The 2012-2017 SPLOST IV reports define the projects this way:

  • $3.9M for Arts School at Former Avondale MS
  • $275K for DeKalb ES of the Arts at Terry Mill

The school district claims that the original intent, as communicated to the voters prior to the November 8, 2011 ESPLOST election, was for the DeKalb Elementary School of the Arts (DESA; grades K-7) and DeKalb School of the Arts (DSA; grades 8-12), to be combined into the Former Avondale Middle Facility in a K-12 configuration. However, that doesn’t seem congruent with the SPLOST referendum language or the SPLOST IV Oversight reports.
It looks like the original intent was for DSA to get $3.9 million to turn the Former Avondale MS into an arts school. DESA was to get $275K for HVAC and electrical work.
Recently DESA moved into Avondale MS. The referendum binds that money to Avondale MS, so the only way for DSA to get SPLOST IV funding is by moving to Avondale MS with DESA. The administration has come up with these two options.
Option 1:
Cost: $8.5 million

  • Combine DESA and DSA at the Avondale Middle site with the funding necessary to build a new high school wing.
  • The plan would focus on a comprehensive K-12 arts program with spaces for academics and arts at all grade levels with the addition of a 400-500 seat theater.
  • If the plan is approved, the design and construction process would begin, with an anticipated move date of Fall 2019.
  • DCSD plans to address road access to the site, curriculum needs, staffing, and unique arts programming concerns if the plan is approved.

Option 2:
Cost: $3.9 million (original)

  • DESA stays at Avondale Middle and DSA stays at Avondale High.
  • DESA receives funding for an auditorium at Avondale Middle, which may be shared by DSA and DESA for large performances.
  • DSA is considered for SPLOST V funding for “minor renovation” at Avondale High.

Any thoughts?

Facilities Planning Online Survey

The Secondary School Facility Planning & Feasibility Study is a study based on public input on how to address overcrowding in middle and high schools. We are currently in the 3rd round of stakeholder engagement.
Timeline:  Aug 23 – Sep 16, 2016:
• Request for Cluster-level joint formal school council response
Online Survey on three Options
Request for Cluster-level joint formal school council response

Superintendent Stephen Green

Dr. Stephen Green
Superintendent, DeKalb County School District

“We believe that our school councils are very important to the decision-making process within the District. So much so, we are asking for our school councils from the middle and high schools within each cluster to come together and develop a joint letter (with signatures of the school council chairs) to the Chief Operations Officer detailing their viewpoints on the three options or another option by September 16th.”

Online Survey – Current Responses
As of high noon on Tuesday Aug 30, there were almost 1,200 responses. You may take the survey up until midnight on September 16, 2016.
SUMMARY of Round 3 Proposed Options

Option A – Add New Sequoyah Area Cluster
• Re-cluster existing Cross Keys Cluster
• New Sequoyah Area High School (at future site) + New Cross Keys Area Middle School at Briarcliff site
• Additions at five existing secondary schools
• Total New/Additions: 4,200 HS + 2,300 MS = 6,500 seats
• No split feeders (maintains 1-to-1 MS-to-HS alignment)
• Dependent on significant land acquisition for new high school
Option B – Split Feeders
• Re-cluster existing Cross Keys Cluster
• New Cross Keys High School at Briarcliff site
• Additions at five existing secondary schools + conversion of HS to MS
• Total New/Additions: 3,450 HS + 1,500 MS = 4,950 seats
• Split feeders in Regions 1, 2, & 3
Option C – New Sequoyah Area High School & Relocate Chamblee Magnets
• Re-cluster existing Cross Keys Cluster
• New Sequoyah Area High School + New Cross Keys Area Middle School at Briarcliff site
• Relocate magnet programs to school(s) with available capacity
• Additions at five existing secondary schools
• Total New/Additions: 3,800 HS + 2,050 MS = 5,850 seats
• No split feeders (maintains 1-to-1 MS-to-HS alignment)
• Dependent on significant land acquisition for new high school

IMPACT of Round 3 Proposed Options

Option A
New Doraville Cluster
New 2,400-seat high school in Sequoyah area
New 1,400-seat middle school for Cross Keys at Briarcliff site
1. 600-seat Cross Keys HS
2. 500-seat Sequoyah MS
3. 400-seat Lakeside HS
4. 800-seat Clarkston HS
5. 400-seat Freedom MS
Option B
Split Feeders
New 2,500-seat Cross Keys HS at Briarcliff site (Convert current CKHS to 1,500-seat middle school) 1. 600-seat Chamblee HS
2. 600-seat Dunwoody HS
3. 750-seat Lakeside HS
4. 300-seat Clarkston HS
5. 200-seat at former CKHS
Option C
New Sequoyah HS
New 2,000-seat high school in Sequoyah area
1,400-seat middle school for Cross Keys at Briarcliff site
1. 600-seat Cross Keys HS
2. 250-seat Sequoyah MS
3. 400-seat Lakeside HS
4. 800-seat Clarkston HS
5. 400-seat Freedom MS

Unredacted Survey Results To Date

Aug 23 – Sep 16, 2016:
Online Survey on three Options
• Request for Cluster-level joint formal school council response
Sep 27, 2016
• Present the Secondary School Study final recommendation at the Building SPACES Presentation
Oct 4 – 17, 2016
Five public hearings in October to discuss the E-SPLOST V project draft list.
The draft list, compiled through the Building S.P.A.C.E.S. Initiative, will be publicly presented Sept. 27.
Each public hearing will be at 7 p.m. at the following locations:
• Oct. 4, 2016 at Tucker High School (Region 2)
• Oct. 11, 2016 at Miller Grove High School (Region 4)
• Oct. 13, 2016 at Chamblee High School (Region 1)
• Oct. 17, 2016 at Columbia High School (Region 5)
• Oct. 18, 2016 at Stone Mountain High School (Region 3)
Oct 4 – 24, 2016
• Online Survey on draft E-SPLOST project list
Nov 7, 2016
• Board COW discussion on E-SPLOST project list
Dec 5, 2016
• Formal Board approval of E-SPLOST project list

Round 3 – DeKalb Secondary School Facility Planning and Feasibility Study
August 25, 2016 – Round 3 of a study based on public input on how to address overcrowding in middle and high schools. The scope of the study was later expanded to include renovation and capacity recommendations for middle and high school facilities in all regions.

Chamblee Magnet Moving? It’s Still On The Table
August 10, 2016 – Is the option to move the Chamblee Magnet Program still on the table? Superintendent Green refutes any communications saying it’s off the table.

Pros & Cons
Planning and Feasibility Study Options

July 25, 2016 – Committees consisting of steering committee members and two representatives from each of the forty middle and high schools studied and discussed these pros and cons of the four potential options to address current and pending capacity needs.

Cost Estimates
Planning and Feasibility Study Options

July 20, 2016 – Based on 2022 enrollment projections, the Steering Committee discussed these Cost Estimates for the four potential options to address current and pending capacity needs.

DeKalb Secondary School Facility Planning and Feasibility Study
July 18, 2016 – The study will identify the challenges and opportunities facing each middle school and high school, determine options to address the needs identified, and prepare regional master plans to implement the options. Here are the problems, the funds and the options.

Chamblee Magnet Program – Is it moving?
July 13, 2016 – Any truth to the rumor of moving the magnet program from Chamblee Middle and Chamblee High? Steering committees discussed the pros and cons of the following four potential options to address current and pending capacity needs.