Category Archives: SPLOST

Cross Keys Foundation – Secondary Schools Study Position

Cross Key cluster is at the epicenter of the Secondary School Facility Planning and Feasibility Study. Superintendent Green has made it perfectly clear he is going to address over crowding in the Cross Keys cluster and he is going to recluster Cross Keys.
Kim Gokce is the President of the Cross Keys Foundation. He put together this position letter of the Cross Keys Foundation
Our position is formed of guiding principles, assertions, and proposals.
Guiding Principles
Guiding Principle #1: Equity and Access First – strategic capital investments by DCSD must be made to ensure equity and access to educational opportunities and positive learning environments for all DeKalb children.
Guiding Principle #2: Size Provides Flexibility – to support long-term flexibility in capacity planning and programming DSCD should build sites to support 1,500 or more middle school students and 2,400 or more high school students.
Guiding Principle #3: Speed – due to the egregious and growing overcrowding of Region 1 and Region 2 schools, speed in decision-making and in execution are essential.
Guiding Principle #4: Incremental Progress is Progress – that all gaps and issues cannot be resolved in a single project, decision, or action must not be used as a rationale for postponing critical decisions.
Guiding Principle #5: Avoid Absolutes – the District must maintain flexibility in execution of SPLOST V projects and the response to the Study in order to adapt to future changing conditions that will arise during the implementation period.
Assertion #1: Re-clustering as a result of the SPLOST V construction should be done using whole elementary school zones wherever possible.
Assertion #2: Resulting clusters should serve between 4-6 elementary schools with enrollment targets of 500-900.
Assertion #3: Due to enrollment size and projections, no more than two of any of the following elementary schools should feed into a cluster together in the re-clustering effort: Hightower, Pleasantdale, Cary Reynolds, Dresden, Montclair, and Woodward.
Assertion #4: In their current configuration, neither Dunwoody, Druid Hills, Lakeside, nor Tucker clusters are able to absorb an additional high enrollment elementary school.
Assertion #5: Assertions #1-4 require that, as the two remaining clusters in the region, Chamblee (CCHS) and Cross Keys (CKHS) will be the receiving clusters in the re-clustering effort. Considered with geography, this assertion posits that Hightower and Pleasantdale should continue to feed their current clusters and the four remaining elementary schools must be paired as two groups, Woodward / Montclair and Dresden / Cary Reynolds.
Assertion #6: We believe that the necessary funds should be identified to support the level of educational environments all children deserve. We feel that creating a fourth cluster and high school in the Region 1 area will unnecessarily perpetuate inequities in the Region for portions of the Cross Keys Community. We also believe a fourth cluster will raise the level of initial capital required and forever burden the District with additional operational expenses. This can be avoided by keeping a three high school Region 1 strategy.
1. Where should DCSD build a new high capacity HS? (Near CKHS’ current site)
2. Should the High Achievers Magnet programs be moved? (Not at the HS at this time)
Proposal #1: Build a HS with core services to support up to 2,800 students with a site plan to open at 2200-2400 students. The site should be built near the current Cross Keys HS and the current CKHS facility should be repurposed as a 1,500-1,800 MS.
Proposal #2: Sequoyah MS should feed Chamblee Charter HS and the CMS site should be used for one of the following uses: as another feeder ES or MS of CCHS as a joint feeder along with Sequoyah MS, for future re-use for Magnet as a 4-8 academy at a dedicated facility (this frees up Nancy Creek ES to be an attendance area ES or “lower grade school” to relieve and feed Montgomery ES), or as swing space.
Proposal #3: When the new John Lewis ES opens, Dresden ES should send ~ 50%+ of its students to new John Lewis ES. A scenario may arise were the “2nd Elementary School” planned for Doraville area to relieve Cary Reynolds could absorb the remaining Dresden students. While speculative, we feel it is important to anticipate enrollment changes due to redevelopment of Buford Hwy throughout the region and be prepared to feed students north or south via the two new elementary schools to supply the future CKHS or current CCHS as circumstances direct and capacity comes online 2019 and later.
Proposal #4: We believe it is less disruptive to retain the HS Magnet seats via classroom additions at the current CCHS. Should the growth in the area continue or even accelerate in the coming years as forecast, the 800+/- seats this program represents should be leveraged at the discretion of DCSD if circumstances require it. This is a DeKalb program and should be managed as such.
Proposal #5: Keep Clarkston cluster “whole” by finding necessary funding to support the expansion of the current CHS. The Options as presented by DCSD appeared to pit CK community against both the Magnet in Option C and Clarkston’s desired expansion in A and C. We believe that unless there are no financial alternatives found, the addition requested to keep Clarkston “whole” should be considered.
Proposal #6: We believe that all remaining clusters in Regions 1 and 2 should address overcrowding via classroom and core services additions and that the Planning Department should be directed to devise such plans that minimize or eliminate split feeders.

Survey Results – Secondary Facility Feasibility Study

Stan Jester
DeKalb County
Board Of Education

Results are in, the majority of entries selected the Split Feeder Option (Option B). There are a few noteworthy points:

  • At a quick glance I see that the last couple days the survey was open many people submitted 5 – 10+ entries right in a row.
  • 92% of the entries came from 22% of the high schools.
  • Most of the votes came from the Dunwoody Cluster (perhaps because the middle and high school sent out numerous newsletters the last couple days encouraging people to vote for Option B)
  • The Dunwoody School Council recommends the “Split Feeder Option”, however they are requesting an additional $17 million so they don’t get a split feeder.
  • Only 4.5% of the respondents want to move the Chamblee Magnet

Number of Daily Responses


Please select the high school zone where you reside

Chamblee Charter HS 1806 30.1%
Cedar Grove HS 17 0.3%
Clarkston HS 104 1.7%
Columbia HS 13 0.2%
Cross Keys HS 867 14.4%
Druid Hills HS 149 2.5%
Dunwoody HS 1948 32.5%
Lakeside HS 915 15.2%
Lithonia HS 13 0.2%
Miller Grove HS 11 0.2%
McNair HS 8 0.1%
M.L. King HS 26 0.4%
Redan HS 10 0.2%
Southwest DeKalb HS 17 0.3%
Stephenson HS 14 0.2%
Stone Mountain HS 3 0%
Towers HS 4 0.1%
Tucker HS 77 1.3%

Please select any of the following that describe you as a DeKalb County School District stakeholder

05001,0001,5002,0002,500Elementary S…Middle Schoo…High School…StudentTeacherAdministrator…Other comm…


Elementary School Parent 2921 49.9%
Middle School Parent 1725 29.5%
High School Parent 1464 25%
Student 590 10.1%
Teacher 259 4.4%
Administrator or Classified employee 62 1.1%
Other community member (non-parent, non-employee) 831 14.2%

Based on prior community input and guiding principles, three options to address overcrowding of middle and high schools throughout the District have been presented. Which option do you prefer? (If needed, option details are below)

Option A – Add New Sequoyah Area Cluster 2667 44.8%
Option B – Split Feeders 3014 50.7%
Option C – New Sequoyah Cluster + Relocate Magnets 268 4.5%