Category Archives: Policy

Racially Insensitive Hairstyle Ban at Narvie Harris Elementary

The country calls DeKalb Schools racially insensitive for banning hairstyles at Narvie Harris Elementary.

Hairstyle Ban

Where is the Social Justice? – How can we expect Social Justice if we can’t be socially just to ourselves? Social justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity, and social privileges.

I am fascinated that the administration would say these hairstyles are not acceptable. I also find it interesting the country calls this racial profiling and racially insensitive. Perhaps somebody can help me understand. I suspect this touches on larger racial issues in our culture.

Narvie J. Harris Theme ES
The Narvie Harris theme school concept was built to relieve overcrowding in surrounding schools, to offer parents a choice of educational programs, and to provide a diversity of educational opportunities. All the elementary schools in the area are roughly at 90% capacity, almost 100% black, and are all academically failing.

Facebook Post
This is the Facebook post that went viral. When this article was written, the following Facebook post had 2,200+ comments and 4,100+ shares.

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New Visitor and Volunteer Policy

DeKalb Schools administration has been revising the Visitor and Volunteer policy since last year. They continue to accept, evaluate and incorporate feedback.

This week they proposed the latest version of the policy. They will continue to take feed back this month and the board will take another look at it in April.

My Feedback

Level 2 volunteer requirements need to be reworded, I find it somewhat confusing. I’m also thinking it is still a bit restrictive.

The administration is looking to move this from policy to regulation, which means the Superintendent can change this at will. Orson and I asked them to move it back to policy, so it can be set in stone. They can move into regulation anything that really needs to be flexible.

I would also like the school district to accept secure transfers of background checks from other police departments.

Your Feedback

Let me know your thoughts and questions about the new revision. Please comment on this post here. Also, you can provide feedback directly to the district here:

School Volunteers Policy – Feedback

Volunteers Policy

The DeKalb County Board of Education recognizes the importance of visitors and volunteers who play an important role in supporting, encouraging, and advancing student achievement. Parents and others who wish to support student achievement are encouraged to participate in parent and community engagement activities at approved school or district-sponsored activities.

In support of student safety, all schools and administrative offices are required to identify and screen all volunteers in accordance with the supporting administrative regulation.

The superintendent or designee shall establish such procedure and necessary regulations to administer this policy.

Volunteers Regulation

Volunteers are a valued part of the DeKalb County School District and contribute to overall student academic achievement, school climate and culture. The following regulation defines volunteer, outlines volunteer levels, and provides volunteer expectations to promote student safety.


Volunteers are non-paid persons authorized to perform volunteer services at approved school or district-sponsored activities. All volunteers must complete, the volunteer registration process which includes submission of the Volunteer Application and Release Form. Volunteers who will come into direct contact with students who are not their own must also complete mandated reporter training per O.C.G.A. § 19-7-5 prior to participating in any volunteer activities. The school must maintain documentation that the volunteer has completed the Volunteer Application and Release Form, mandated reporter training and any other required training. The documents will be maintained at the school for the current academic year.

Volunteers will be issued volunteer badges, which must be displayed at all times while on school property. School volunteers must sign-in and out in the school office and obtain a visitor badge in accordance with policy KM – Visitors to School and school procedures.

The District recognizes the following three levels of volunteers:

Level 1
Level 1 volunteers are non-district personnel who engage in supervised volunteer activity but will have no interaction with students, such as volunteers working on playground construction or assisting with facilities maintenance when school is not in session. Level 1 volunteers do not require criminal background checks. Prior to service, Level 1 volunteers will be required to sign a Volunteer Application and Release Form, which will be kept on file at the school. Registered sex offenders will not be allowed to volunteer.

Level 2
Level 2 volunteers are non-district personnel who will have supervised interaction with students such as school day field trip chaperones or assisting a teacher. Prior to service, Level 2 volunteers are required to submit a Volunteer Application and Release Form and Criminal History Release Form, and GBI criminal background check. Registered sex offenders will not be allowed to volunteer.

Level 3
Level 3 volunteers must be approved by the Department of Public Safety and the principal of the school prior to participating in activities involving direct, unsupervised interaction with students. Examples of Level 3 volunteers include chaperones on overnight field trips or any other volunteers who will have unsupervised interaction with students. Level 3 volunteers shall be fingerprinted by the district and have GBI/FBI criminal background checks on file prior to volunteer services. This background check requires a fee and must be conducted by the Department of Public Safety. Registered sex offenders will not be allowed to volunteer.

This policy does not apply to individuals who are working pursuant to a vendor contract with the district to provide services. Such individuals must follow the terms of their company’s vendor agreement with the district.

Expectations of Volunteers
Volunteers must adhere to the same guidelines set forth for employees and should not engage in inappropriate communication and/or contact with students at any time.

In accordance with OCGA 19-7-5(c) (1), volunteers are considered mandated reporters in cases of suspected abuse. Reports of suspected abuse should be made to the school administrator or their designee.

Disqualification of Volunteers
Parents/guardians who are excluded from volunteer activities may attend public events at the school such as Parent Teacher Association meetings and student activities directly related to their student. See Board Policy KM: Visitors to Schools

Access to Student Information
School volunteers shall not have access to student information, including Infinite Campus, without express written consent from the parents/legal guardians of the students.