Category Archives: Legislation

1st Quarter Legislative Update

The first quarter of the 2015 legislative session is now behind us. Where do we stand?  The House Education Committee passed three bills which will move on to the House Rules Committee before moving to the House action items.
HB 0091 – Eliminate Georgia High School Graduation Test
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GSBA Summary – Removes criterion-referenced competency tests and the Georgia High School Graduation Test from the list of approved student achievement measures leading to a high school diploma and adds end-of-grade assessments to the list. The bill also retroactively removes the Test requirement for students who have met all other graduation requirements and allows a diploma to be awarded.
Bill Summary from the State Site – A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the elementary and secondary education, so as to eliminate the Georgia High School Graduation Test as a requirement for purposes of graduation; to provide procedures for former students who did not pass one or more portions of the Georgia High School Graduation Test to petition to obtain a high school diploma; to provide for notice of such petition option; to provide for changes for purposes of conformity; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
HB 0062 – Special needs students with active military parent
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GSBA Summary – The special needs voucher program currently requires a special needs student’s parent to have been a Georgia resident for at least one year and the student to have been in attendance at a Georgia public school the year prior to be eligible. This bill would amend that for military families. If the parent is an active duty military service member stationed in Georgia within the previous year, then the special needs student would be eligible.
Bill Summary from the State Site – A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Code Section 20-2-2114 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to qualifications for the scholarship program for special needs students, so as to waive certain qualifications for students whose parent is an active duty military service member stationed in Georgia within the previous year; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
HB 0062 – Public meetings on proposed operating budgets
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GSBA Summary – LC 33 5725 Requires boards of education and certain charter schools not part of a local education agency to hold at least two meetings to allow public input on the proposed annual operating budget. Charter schools with a statewide attendance zone shall hold one such meeting in the county where its primary business office is located and one meeting in metro Atlanta.
Bill Summary from the State Site – A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to elementary and secondary education, so as to require local boards of education and certain charter schools to hold at least two public meetings on the proposed annual operating budget; to require that a summary of the proposed and adopted annual operating budget be posted on the Internet; to require that the detailed annual operating budget be made available upon request; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
2nd Quarter Expectations
The second quarter is filled with education bills waiting for committee action.

HR 4 – Independent School Systems

Our last constitution, ratified in 1983, is Georgia’s 10th constitution and our nation’s youngest. It allows all existing school districts (county and city) to remain but prohibits any new independent (city) school systems from forming. Georgia was left with 21 city districts, 159 county districts and no new districts allowed to form.
The motivation behind the prohibition on new districts was mostly economic in nature. The result consolidated bureaucratic power and effectively eliminated competition in education for the next 30 years.
Bill - Georgia LegislationHouse Resolution 4 (HR 4) was submitted this year “proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to authorize any municipality in the State of Georgia to establish by local law an independent school system;”  The amendment will open the door allowing people to discuss whether or not they would like their city to have an independent school district.
Important Changes

  1. ANY municipality (city) in the state of Georgia (regardless of incorporation date) will have the opportunity to create a city based school system, should the need and desire present itself.
  2. Independent school systems are defined as a school system that will exist within the boundaries of a single municipality.

The Benefits of School Systems of a Manageable Size
Economic Development

  • School systems of a manageable size, on average, have superior graduation rates to districts that are either very small or are overly large.
  • An increase in graduation rate will lead to:
    • More students attending college, leading to an increase in the Georgia professional work force.
    • High school graduates are more likely to be employed and earn more with a high school diploma.
    • The above increases taxable state income and reduces stress on state dependency.
  • Strong school systems attract strong business partners.

Intelligent Resource Management (Financial and Material)

  • School systems of a manageable size are able to more effectively spend their financial resources and develop programs to meet the needs of their schoolhouses and students.
    • Student and schoolhouse needs are more easily identified
    • Wasteful spending on programs that do not benefit an individual school’s needs, but receive them none-the-less because of broad based administrative decisions, are virtually eliminated.
    • Schoolhouses that need specific and individualized programs are more likely to receive them, as they are not lost among the other schools’ needs within overly large districts.

School Systems of a Manageable Size Are More Responsive and Proactive

  • Systems that are “close to home” have more direct, continuous, and in-depth relationships with students, teachers, parents, and the community.
    • Parent engagement is increased.
    • A sense of community among the schools is built.
    • Teachers and school level administration build a partnership with district level decision making.
    • Students’ benefit from programs to support their individual needs.
  • Because the pulse of the individual schoolhouse and district is easier to keep a direct eye on, proactive decision-making can occur in order to support continued success and ward off potential failures.
  • Reduce administrative layers, making it more effective and efficient for all members of the learning community to work within.

Data Points
Two of the eight large districts in the bottom 20% are located in metro Atlanta, DeKalb and Clayton County School Districts. These two mega districts service ~40% (148,000+) of the students out of the 36 districts who have the lowest graduation rates in all of Georgia.
Within DeKalb County is the independent city school district, Decatur City Schools.  Decatur, at 4,200 students, has a graduation rate of 94%.  DeKalb County School System, at 98,000 students, has a 59% graduation rate.