Category Archives: Finances

Pay Raises For Teachers

Pay Raises For Teachers
And Other Certified School Based Employees

Based on an  analysis, conducted by the DeKalb Schools Department of Human Resource, of five metro Atlanta school districts, not including Atlanta Public Schools, it was determined that the metro districts pay teachers with 7-17 years of completed experience an average of $2,000 to $14,000 dollars higher annually than DeKalb County Schools. Teachers with less than 7 and more than 17 years experience were found to be making more than the metro average.
On Monday, the board appropriated $21.5 million on an annualized basis for a mid-year salary adjustment.  Affected employees will see the adjustments in their January 15, 2016 paycheck.  More than 8,700 employees including 6,000 teachers will receive a pay raise. The plan is to increase teachers’ salaries to the metro averages for those with  7 to 17 years of experience. All other teachers will receive a 2% increase.
It is noted that counselors are attached to the teacher salary schedule and are generally underpaid compared to their counterparts in neighboring districts.  The board will look into rectifying that in the upcoming 2016-17 budget.
Comp Plan Details
•  Teachers – Teachers with 7-17 years of completed experience will receive an increase of up to $14,000 to make their salary comparable to the average annual salary of other metro Atlanta school districts. All other teachers will receive a 2% pay raise.
•  Principals – High Schools – 5%; Middle Schools – 3%; Elementary Schools – 2%; All Assistant Principals – 2%.
•  Pre-K Teachers – Certified Pre-K Teachers will transition from a flat rate to the DeKalb Teachers salary schedule based on valid GAPSC certification and completed experience.
•  Parapros – Instructional paraprofessionals will receive a 1-2% salary increase based on current salary placement.
Other certified school based professionals on the DeKalb Teachers salary schedule will receive the same raises as the teachers on that schedule.  Those employees include Media Specialists, Counselors, Psychologists, Lead Teachers for Special Education, Social Workers, Academic Coaches, Instructional Specialists.
Q & A
When will raises be seen in paychecks?

  • January 15, 2016.

Why was APS excluded from the equation for determining salary adjustments?

  • Due to a much larger tax base, Atlanta Public School’s teacher salaries were excluded.

Which school districts were included in your study?

  • Cobb, Fulton, Gwinnett, Clayton, and Henry.

How much will the total cost be to the District?

  • $21.5 million on an annualized basis.

Supplemental Retirement 2% Match Program
The Board of Education also adopted the Supplemental Retirement 2% Match Program.  Under this program, the BOE will contribute 2% of an employee’s base salary into a 403(b) account for employees who meet the following criteria:

  • Full-time employees who have completed at least five (5) years of full-time continuous employment after January 1, 2011 AND
  • Contribute to Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) or Employees’ Retirement System of Georgia (ERS) AND
  • Invest at least 2% of their base salary into one (1) 403(b) account with one of the four BOE approved optional Investment and Retirement Providers.

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January 11, 2016 – Description, research and analysis behind DeKalb Schools’ employee comp plan. Teachers will receive an increase of up to $14,000 to make their salary comparable to the average annual salary of other metro Atlanta school districts. Affected employees will see the adjustments in their January 15, 2016 paycheck.

Pay Raises For Teachers
December 9, 2015 – More than 8,700 employees including 6,000 teachers will receive a pay raise in their January 15, 2016 check. Teachers will receive an increase of up to $14,000 annually.

DeKalb Principal Salary Schedules
December 6, 2015 – For many years I’ve been concerned about the inconsistencies in principal compensation. Dr. Jackson-Davis answers a few general questions I had about principal salaries.
* DeKalb Teacher Salary Schedule
* Fulton Teacher Salary Schedule
* Gwinnett Teacher Salary Schedule
* Cobb Teacher Salary Schedule
* Clayton Teacher Salary Schedule
* Henry Teacher Salary Schedule

DeKalb Principal Salary Schedules

Stan Jester
DeKalb County
Board Of Education

Teachers are currently paid according to the 2015–2016 Teacher Salary Schedule which reflects their education and experience. On Monday, the Board of Education will vote on a Compensation and Comparability Plan for all School Based Certified Personnel
The upcoming Compensation and Comparability Plan will include all teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals assigned to schools.

Most of the compensation discussions center on teachers.  However, for many years I’ve been concerned about the inconsistencies in principal compensation.  You can search DeKalb Employment/Salary History, view the compensation line item for the principal at every school since 2013 in the current DeKalb 2015-16 Detailed Budget, or go to Open.Georgia.Gov to spot check for yourself.
For example the .xls link icon  Dunwoody High School principal salary in FY’13 was approximately $89K.  (This principal is no longer with the district haven taken a higher ranking/paid position in another district.)  Despite his numerous years as a principal and the fact that he won a state School of Excellence in Achievement award as a principal; this, now former, DHS principal was among the very lowest paid principals across the 130+ elementary, middle and high school principals at the time.

Dr. Jackson-Davis

Dr. Tova Jackson-Davis studied at the University of Sarasota and was a Human Resources Administrator for DeKalb Schools from 1996 – 2011. She has been the Director of Employment Services since 2012. Dr. Jackson-Davis answers a few general questions I had about principal salaries.
Question: Do principals have a salary schedule?
Dr. Tova Jackson-Davis: Yes. [Please see the following documents]

Question: How do we calculate the salary for an incoming Principal/AP? ES, MS and HS?
Dr. Tova Jackson-Davis: Assistant Principals adhere to the certificated, non-administrative salary placement guidelines. APs are assigned to a certificated salary schedule based on certification level and years of experience. [Please see the following documents]
.pdf link icon  G1 – AP ES
.pdf link icon  N1 – AP MS, HS
Principal placement adheres to the administrative salary placement guidelines: identify the total years of related administrative and/or instructional experience

  1. Direct administrative responsibility level and functionally related experience receive full credit
  2. Administrative responsibility at lower level and functionally related experience receive ½ credit
  3. Non-administrative responsibility and functionally related experience converted to a comparable administrative schedule
  4. Non-functionally related experience receives no credit

Question: Do all of the current principals fall into this schedule?
Dr. Tova Jackson-Davis: All principals are assigned to the same respective salary schedule, unless the incumbent was administratively demoted. In that instance, the employee’s contract is honored until the end of the school year. In July of the next school year, the principal is moved to the principal salary schedule.

Related Posts

School Based Certified Personnel Comp Plan
January 11, 2016 – Description, research and analysis behind DeKalb Schools’ employee comp plan. Teachers will receive an increase of up to $14,000 to make their salary comparable to the average annual salary of other metro Atlanta school districts. Affected employees will see the adjustments in their January 15, 2016 paycheck.

Pay Raises For Teachers
December 9, 2015 – More than 8,700 employees including 6,000 teachers will receive a pay raise in their January 15, 2016 check. Teachers will receive an increase of up to $14,000 annually.

DeKalb Principal Salary Schedules
December 6, 2015 – For many years I’ve been concerned about the inconsistencies in principal compensation. Dr. Jackson-Davis answers a few general questions I had about principal salaries.
* DeKalb Teacher Salary Schedule
* Fulton Teacher Salary Schedule
* Gwinnett Teacher Salary Schedule
* Cobb Teacher Salary Schedule
* Clayton Teacher Salary Schedule
* Henry Teacher Salary Schedule