Category Archives: DeKalb Schools

Teacher Raises – True or False?

Teachers across the state will make more this year than they did last year thanks largely to $600 million in additional state revenues that Gov. Deal sent to local districts.  Teacher’s Gross Annual Income, the total amount of money earned this fiscal year, is the number of paid days a teacher works times their daily rate.   Many teachers will be working more days this year and some school districts have budgeted a raise in their daily rates.
According to the AJC, all teachers in Gwinnett will get a 1.8% bump in their pay, called a “step increase,” that’s based on their experience.  Atlanta Public School (APS) employees will receive up to a 5% raise.  Cobb and Fulton will get 1% and 2.5% raises respectively.  DeKalb Schools announced a 1% raise for their teachers.  But, a careful examination of the salary schedule suggests that not all teachers will see an increase in their daily compensation.  In fact, some may see a decrease.
(Update note: DeKalb Schools teachers step increases are frozen.  They have been on the same step for the last 4 or 5 years.)
This chart compares DeKalb’s FY14 Teacher Salary Schedule and FY15 Teacher Salary Schedule. This is the daily rate for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree at varying years of experience.  It would appear that many teachers will see a decrease in their daily rate.

2013-2014 2014-2015 Delta % Change
Exp Daily Rate Exp Daily Rate
0‐6  Years $220.23  E 01 217.16 ($3.07) -1.41%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 02 222.43 $2.20 0.99%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 03 222.43 $2.20 0.99%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 04 222.43 $2.20 0.99%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 05 222.69 $2.46 1.10%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 06 222.95 $2.72 1.22%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 07 223.22 $2.99 1.34%
7Years  $220.23 E 08 223.48 $3.25 1.45%
8Years  $221.81 E 09 223.74 $1.93 0.86%
9Years  $223.71 E 10 225.6 $1.89 0.84%
10Years  $226.61 E 11 227.78 $1.17 0.51%
11Years  $233.43 E 12 230.98 ($2.45) -1.06%
12Years  $240.51 E 13 235.76 ($4.75) -2.01%
13Years  $247.77 E 14 242.91 ($4.86) -2.00%
14Years  $255.35 E 15 250.24 ($5.11) -2.04%
15Years  $263.12 E 16 257.9 ($5.22) -2.02%
16Years  $270.95 E 17 265.75 ($5.20) -1.96%
17Years  $279.23 E 18 273.65 ($5.58) -2.04%
18Years  $287.69 E 19 282.02 ($5.67) -2.01%
19Years  $296.40 E 20 290.56 ($5.84) -2.01%
20Years  $302.28 E 21 299.36 ($2.92) -0.98%
21Years  $302.28 E 22 305.3 $3.02 0.99%
22Years  $302.28 E 23 305.3 $3.02 0.99%
23Years  $308.15 E 24 305.3 ($2.85) -0.93%


Dunwoody HS Retention Pond

I respectfully request that DeKalb Schools address the retention pond at Dunwoody High School or the CDC address the West Nile Virus that is surely breeding there.  Below, you can see how the pond is supposed to look and what it looks like now.
Dunwoody High School Retention Pond
Dunwoody Talk Blog has written an excellent blog covering said community health hazard in a way that only Dunwoody Talk Blog can. The article Dunwoody High School Swimming Hole Closed, Reopened as Horticulture Class Lab says, “Since Day 1 there have been concerns about the design, including maintenance, mosquitoes, appearance, and effectiveness.” >> Continue reading at Dunwoody Talk Blog.
Georgia Primary Runoffs Today
Don’t forget to vote today.  The races include Sheriff, US Senate and various School Board seats.