Category Archives: Cross Keys Cluster

Approved Cross Keys Redistricting Plan

It’s official.  Roughly 1700 students, mostly in elementary school, will find themselves redistricted into a new school this Fall 2016.  Last night the board approved the following Cross Keys Redistricting Plan (which is slightly different than the plan released in February). This will result in a net reduction of approximately 30 portable classrooms in the Cross Keys Cluster.
Even though all the affected students originate from Title I schools, Superintendent Green asserted they will not see a loss in services.  Dr. Norman Sauce, Principal at Chamblee Charter High School, addressed the board saying that Chamblee Charter High School welcomes the new Cross Keys students to their school and is happy to be part of the solution.  Marshall Orson, District 2 board representative, expressed the same sentiment for Fernbank and Briar Vista elementary schools.
New School Attendance Zones
.pdf link icon  Elementary School Attendance Map (dated 03.07.2016)
.pdf link icon  Middle School Attendance Area Map (dated 03.07.2016)
.pdf link icon  High School Attendance Area Map (dated 03.07.2016)
Related Posts
02/14/2016 – Cross Keys Over Crowding – The Plan
01/16/2016 – Redistricting the Cross Keys Cluster
  Public Meetings on Redistricting Options 
Elementary School Moves For Fall 2016

  • Redistricting 61 Woodward ES students to Briar Vista ES
  • Redistricting 269 Montclair ES students to Fernbank ES
  • Redistricting 394 Montclair ES students to new Former ISC school (new K-5 school)
  • Redistricting 444 Dresden students to Montclair ES
  • Redistricting 301 Cary Reynolds students to Dresden ES

High School Moves For Fall 2016

  • Redistrict approximately 232 students from Cross Keys HS to Chamblee HS

Cross Keys Over Crowding – The Plan

DeKalb County School District held three (3) public meetings to present redistricting options to address overcrowding in the Cross Keys Cluster.
Related Posts
03/07/2016 – Approved Cross Keys Redistricting Plan
02/14/2016 – Cross Keys Over Crowding – The Plan
01/16/2016 – Redistricting the Cross Keys Cluster
  Public Meetings on Redistricting Options 
Why Are We Considering Redistricting?
There is substantial overcrowding in the Cross Keys Cluster. The goal is to reduce overcrowding and the number of students in portable classrooms for next school year (Fall 2016).
The Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, may alter school attendance areas in accordance with Policy AD based on the following criteria:

Primary Criteria
1. Geographic Proximity
2. Instructional Capacity
3. Projected Enrollment
Secondary Criteria
1. Safety and Traffic Patterns
2. Previous Redistricting
3. Balancing of Special Programs
4. School Feeder Alignment
5. Intact Neighborhoods

Fall 2016 Redistricting Plan
On February 11th at Cross Keys HS, DeKalb Schools district staff presented a recommended plan to help relieve overcrowding in the Cross Keys Cluster starting this year, Fall 2016.

  • Redistricting 61 Woodward ES students to Fernbank ES
  • Redistricting 269 Montclair ES students to Fernbank ES
  • Redistricting 394 Montclair ES students to new Former ISC school (new K-5 school)
  • Redistricting 444 Dresden students to Montclair ES
  • Redistricting 301 Cary Reynolds students to Dresden ES
  • Redistricting 232 Cross Keys HS students to Chamblee HS

District staff also recommends the continued search for properties for two new 900-seat elementary schools to serve the Cross Keys Cluster. The District’s Secondary School Planning and Feasibility Study will kick-off (March 2016) the discussion of long-term relief for Sequoyah MS and Cross Keys HS and all other middle and high schools in Regions 1 and 2 in addition to the Clarkston Cluster. The district believes there is a major need for redistricting at elementary, middle, and high schools over the next three years for schools in Regions 1, 2, and 3, in conjunction with the Secondary School Planning and Feasibility Study and as new facilities come on-line.
The Superintendent’s recommendation will be presented for Board approval at the March 7, 2016, Board meeting. The proposed redistricting plan, if approved, would go into effect in August 2016.