Category Archives: Building Additions

Chamblee Cluster 7-Year Enrollment Forecasts

DeKalb County School District (DCSD) has updated the long-term enrollment forecasts for each school year from the Fall of 2019 through the Fall of 2025.

DeKalb Schools is planning on constructing a 600-seat, three-story addition to Chamblee Charter High School (CCHS).

Chamblee Charter High School is currently right at capacity with 1,722 students enrolled. Back in Oct 2016, DeKalb Schools Planning Department expected to have 2,328 students (500+ students over current capacity) by year 2022. This projection has been adjusted to 1,822 students by 2022 and only 1979 students by 2025.

7 Year Enrollment Forecast Reports

 7 Year Enrollment Forecast Graphs – All Schools
 7-Year Enrollment Forecast Fall 2019 Summary
 DCSD 7-Year Enrollment Forecast Summary
 DCSD 7 Year Enrollment Forecast Graphs – District-Region-Cluster

Upcoming Construction Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings
Chamblee Charter HS – CAC – Jan 30 @ 6pm in their media center
Dunwoody HS – CAC – Tueday Jan 22 @ 4pm in their media center

Chamblee Charter HS Building Additions
The architect for CCHS, Hussey Gay Bell, has provided two options for the addition. One requires a land purchase and the other one calls for putting the practice fields on top of a parking garage. I’ve never heard of anybody doing anything like Option 2. I thought people were kidding when I first heard about it.

E-SPLOST projects are already way over budget. The current Chamblee building additions budget doesn’t include land purchases or practice fields on top of parking garages. DeKalb Schools Planning Department should be coming out in the next couple of months with a complete assessment of our E-SPLOST projects and budget.

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Dunwoody 7-Year Enrollment Forecasts
January 3, 2019 – DeKalb County School District (DCSD) has updated the long-term enrollment forecasts for each school year from the Fall of 2019 through the Fall of 2025. Even with these conservative estimates, Dunwoody HS (DHS) enrollment is expected to exceed 2,300 by 2021.

Make Chamblee Charter HS Better Not Bigger
October 22, 2018 – DeKalb Schools is planning on constructing a 600-seat, three-story addition to Chamblee Charter High School (CCHS). The architect has provided two options for the addition. One requires a land purchase and one does not.

Building Additions – Project Plan and Schedule

The SPLOST V building additions at Lakeside HS (LHS), Chamblee Charter HS (CCHS) and Dunwoody HS (DHS) will be “classroom additions and necessary core space additions and/or parking spaces”. But what does that really mean?

I met with Joshua Williams, the Chief Operating Officer, and the other board members on Monday. The building additions project includes the following:
* Classroom additions
* Kitchen extension
* Cafeteria extension
* New/extended media center addition
* New parking
Each building addition project has a specific budget. Whatever money is left over from the building additions, will go into the district wide E-SPLOST Contingency Fund. There will absolutely not be any renovations done to other areas of the school with building additions budget unless they are impacted by the original projects.
In March 2017, the board and administration passed a schedule for all E-SPLOST V projects. That schedule has not changed. At DHS, engineers are looking into the possibility of separating out the field renovations project and doing that early.

Project Description Budget Anticipated Overall Start Date Anticipated Construction Start Date Anticipated Construction Finish Date Anticipated Overall Finish Date
Chamblee HS 30-classroom addition $21,540,000 Mar. 2017 Nov. 2018 Jul. 2020 Oct. 2020
New Cross Keys HS New 119-classroom high school $84,800,000 Aug. 2017 Sep. 2019 Sep. 2021 Jun. 2022
Lakeside HS 38-classroom addition and synthetic turf installation $26,990,000 Nov. 2018 Jul. 2020 Mar. 2022 Jun. 2022
Dunwoody HS 26-classroom addition and synthetic turf installation $17,690,000 Feb. 2019 Oct. 2020 Jun. 2022 Sep. 2022
Peachtree MS 26-classroom addition $14,100,000 Oct. 2019 Jun. 2021 Feb. 2023 May. 2023

$85 million was budgeted for a New Cross Keys HS at the former Briarcliff HS site (or cost-neutral alternative site). A majority of the new Cross Keys High School population will live West of I-85 plus students from Sagamore and/or perhaps Oak Grove. The current Briarcliff HS site is East of I-85 on Druid Hills Rd and sits on 17.6 acres.
E-SPLOST V also includes artificial turf installation at 19 high schools. At LHS and DHS, the turf installation will happen at the same time as the building additions.