ISC Charter Contract Amendment

ISC Charter Contract Amendment
 11/6/2017 – Work/Business
eboard link icon Agenda Item – International Community School Charter Contract Amendment
Supporting Documents
.pdf link icon  Redline Changes Indicating Requested Changes
.pdf link icon  ICS Weighted Lottery Formula
International Community Charter School is an elementary school serving 438 students in Region 2. In operation since 2001, the school has adequate academic performance with a CCRPI score of 62.9 and recently earned 39 out of 40 possible points for academic growth. Financially, they have a consistent record of clean audits. As a school that focuses on refugee and immigrant students through an International Baccalaureate program, they have a very diverse student body. Thirty-eight percent (35%) of the students are Black, 33% are Asian and 19% are White. Their Free and Reduced Lunch percentage is 73% and the percentage students who are limited English proficient is 44%. Their contract with the District will expire in June of 2019.
Charter schools, according to the federal Charter School Program (CSP) grant now being implemented in Georgia, should reflect their school district in federal categories. A newly approved state law allows the use of a weighted lottery process to ensure charter schools can achieve this federal expectation. International Community School currently does reflect the diversity of our District. However, they are requesting two amendments to their contract at this time to ensure they will maintain diversity levels:
1) to establish an official target enrollment of 50% limited English proficient students (an increase of 6% from their current levels), and
2) to allow the use of the weighted lottery in order to achieve and maintain the 50% level.
The lottery approach they propose is similar to that which the Board approved for use in other District charter schools.