GPS Bus Software

GPS/Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL), Field Trip and Routing Software Services
 11/6/2017 – Work/Business
eboard link icon Agenda Item – GPS Bus Software
03/02/2015 – Agenda Item – GPS Vehicle Tracking System
Supporting Documents
.pdf link icon  GPS_AVL Vehicle Tracking System and Time and Attendance RFP.pdf
.pdf link icon  Chronology of the Agenda Item
A formal request for Proposal (RFP) for GPS/AVL Vehicle Tracking System and Time and Attendance was solicited on April 18, 2013. This RFP included four (4) components; vehicle tracking, time and attendance, routing and field trip software.
The Time and Attendance component will not be continued with this contract option as it will be replaced by the District’s new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
Additionally, with the recent purchase of 158 school buses under the District’s E-SPLOST program, it is necessary to install additional GPS devices to our school bus fleet. The additional GPS devices increases the annual financial expense, resulting in a not to exceed contract amount of $540,300.
GPS_AVL Vehicle Tracking System and Time and Attendance RFP
1. The awarded offeror’s GPS/AVL software should be available in both a client server and web
enabled structure that allows any authorized user access to information through any PC
with internet access.
2. The awarded offeror’s software shall be capable of processing the amount of GPS
information produced by the entire fleet of vehicles.
3. The awarded offeror’s software shall be able to display data as it is transmitted by the GPS
hardware in real time.
4. The awarded offeror’s software shall be able to display vehicle performance (early, late, ontime)
in real time and be able to immediately ascertain the status by the color being
displayed. Comparisons will be based upon route information contained in the current
routing and scheduling database. Exception situations should be user defined and
automatically brought to the attention of the user in text table form as well as graphically
(colored icons).
5. GPS data shall be displayed over the same map as used in the current routing and
scheduling system. The maintenance of two (2) separate maps is unacceptable.
6. The awarded offeror’s GPS data must be displayed for any group of vehicles defined by the
user. In example, buses serving a particular school, in a certain geographic area or any
user defined criteria.
7. For each vehicle, the awarded offeror’s software shall allow the user to select the types of
events to be reported. Examples of events should include but not limited to
• Bus stops
• School stops
• Entrance door open/close
• Emergency alert
• Excessive speed
• Amber/red light activation
• Excessive idling
• Ignition on/off. Each event attribute notification can be customized by the user.
8. The awarded offeror’s software shall be able to collect point-to-point mileage and updated
every second as a minimum.