06/06/2016 – Work/Business
Agenda Item – Monthly Human Capital Management Report
Human Capital Management Report for June 2016
Vacancy Report (distributed 6.6.2016)
Teacher Attrition Rate (distributed 6.6.2016)
Summer 2016 Recruitment Strategies from Human Capital
Substitutes as Teachers
Initiative – provide opportunities and/or information for our current substitute teachers interested in becoming teachers with the tools and information necessary to become a certified teacher. In addition to providing initial certification information to our non-certified substitute teachers, we will use the DeKalb County current certified / retired substitute teacher pool to re-cruit for current teacher positions. We will accomplish this goal by providing information relative to school openings and di-rect contact with Staffing Managers to expedite the hiring process.
Expected Outcome – providing an acceptable model for recruiting and certifying individuals who already have at least a bachelor’s degree and want to become teachers to address the current shortage of teacher candidates.
Summer Job Fair
Initiative – host a certified teacher fair to recruit effective teachers during the month of July to assist with remaining vacancies throughout the school district. The job fair will target individuals new to the Metro-Atlanta area as well as provide a large pool of applicants to our schools. HCM will utilize an email blast from our database compiled during recruitment visits to assist with advertising the event.
Expected Outcome – hire certified teachers into our remaining vacancies.
Qualified Applicants List
Initiative – HCM will comprise a list of all qualified applicants that have completed a DeKalb County School District teacher application in hard to fill areas (Science, Math, Special Education). The comprehensive list will be provided to the DeKalb principals.
Expected Outcome – Principals will be provided with a pool of qualified applicants that may not have selected their particular vacancy. The list will give principals access to applicants they would not have otherwise been exposed to in PATS.