12/08/2014 – Purchase AP Exams

12/08/2014 Work Session
eboard link icon .pdf link icon  AP Exam Order 2015
eboard link icon .pdf link icon  AP Score Chart
For CollegeBoard’s May 2015 administration of AP Exams, the State of Georgia will again only cover the cost of one AP Exam for students who are served by Free & Reduced Lunch. This is the fourth year the State of Georgia has incurred the costs associated with this purchase of AP Exams.
This proposed budget item is requesting funds not to exceed $320,000 to cover the costs associated with the district purchasing one AP exam for all students currently enrolled in a DCSD Advanced Placement Course.
This will provide an additional AP Exam for students served by Free & Reduced Lunch as well as provide one exam for students paying full lunch fees. This action will ensure students currently enrolled in a DCSD Advanced Placement Course have access to the Exams administered in the spring of 2015.
This requested action equates to the district purchasing a single exam for students served by free/reduced lunch and a single exam for students paying full cost for lunch. By default, this means that students receiving free/reduced lunches will get two free exams – the first one paid for by the state, and the second one (if applicable) paid for by the district.

Student performance in AP courses and on AP exams has been determined to be a valid indicator of success at the collegiate level. District student performance in AP courses and on exams allowed DCSD to be recognized as a recipient of CollegeBoard’s AP District Honor Roll in 2012. The district was one of seven in Georgia and 539 across the United States and Canada receiving this recognition.