06/02/2014 – Kirk Lunde

Kirk Lunde
[Audio problems … picking up 30 seconds into presentation]
It’s a large budget, it’s our tax money. It’s not your money to play with. If we could trust Superintendents implicitly, we would not have the history we have in DeKalb. Mr. Thurmond and Dr. Bell have been doing a great job, but it’s not an excuse to give them a blank check.
My expectation is that you question the budget and the staff. For example, last October the HR Department asked to amend the contract for International Teachers because they said they needed more teachers. What they did not tell you is they had already exceeded the number of International Teachers voted for earlier in the year.
At this time, according to the April Vendor Spends Report, they have exceeded the total amount for International Teachers capped in the amended contract. They are spending more for International Teachers than you said they could. That does not lead me to trust them.
There needs to be oversight and that’s your job. I expect that from our board. For a billion dollar budget, a two conversation is not much to ask.
Also, I didn’t see the class size waiver part of the agenda. I hope you didn’t pass it.