Video On Demand
- Work Session
- Committee of the Whole (FY2015 Budget)
- Public Comments
- Business Meeting
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Approval of Monthly Financial Report
3. Resolution for Proposed Tax Levy/Declare Intent to Set Millage Rate Higher than the Rollback Rate
4. Approval of Monthly Human Resources Report
5. Approval of Contract Recommendations for FY 2014-2015
6. Purchase of Summer Reading Resources for the Title I K-5 Summer Reading Program
7. Memorandum of Understanding Between Sheltering Arms at International Village and DeKalb County School District For Extended School Year (ESY) Services
8. AGLN Annual Maintenance Renewal (Fiber)
9. District-Wide Telecommunications Services
10. SPLOST III Project: ADA Modifications for Group A-3: Margaret Harris Center, Rockbridge ES, Stone Mountain ES, and Stone Mountain HS and for Group B-3: Midway ES, Oak View ES, and Rainbow ES
11. SPLOST III PROJECT: Chamblee Charter High School Replacement – Approval of Change Order No. 8
12. SPLOST IV Project: Subregion 1A: Sequoyah MS, Vanderlyn ES, Woodward ES, Doraville Driver’s ED, International Student Center, Kittredge ES – Capital Renewal, ADA, Code Requirements
13. SPLOST IV Project: Subregion 3A: Eldridge Miller ES, Jolly ES, Freedom MS, Rock Chapel ES, Stephenson HS, and Shadow Rock ES – Capital Renewal, ADA, Code Requirements
14. SPLOST IV Project: Stone Mountain High School Capital Renewal, ADA, Code Requirements A/E Design Firm Approval
15. SPLOST IV Project: Towers High School Roof Replacement Design/Build Contract Award
16. Extension of Bid No. 12-15 Frozen/Temperature Control and Dry Food Products
17. Continued use of Statewide Contract (SWC) #9999-SPD0000091-0002 Earthgrains Baking Company for Purchase of Bread
18. DeKalb County Parks and Recreation Intergovernmental Agreement
19. Request for Declaration of Surplus Property
20. District-Wide Auction Services
21. Dunwoody High School Parent, Teacher & Student Organization Donation Approval
1. READY FOR ACTION ~ Amendment to the Bylaws & Policy – Descriptor Code JBCC, Student Assignment
a. FY 2015 Budget