Author Archives: Stan Jester

Football Spectators – Billboards – Teacher Town Hall

The DeKalb County School District will allow spectators for Football games starting the weekend of October 15 – October 17, 2020.

The coaches across the county have been moving as many of their games to away games allowing the parents to attend their child’s sporting events. The DeKalb Schools shift on the no spectators stance is just in time for the Chamblee Charter HS vs Dunwoody HS football game this Friday.

Mega schools are still getting the short end of the stick. Whether your school has 500 students or 2,500 students, each team will be allotted the same number of tickets per game. I believe the tickets for the CCHS v Dunwoody football game were sold out within hours of them going on sale.

Return to School Face to Face Billboards
A parent group advocating for a return to face to face learning has purchased several billboards around the county.

Teacher Town Hall Update
Last week, DeKalb Schools administration sent out the schedule and notice that DeKalb Schools Is Returning to Face to Face Learning. Since then, the Cases Per 100K (Last 2 Weeks) for DeKalb has risen. Today (Wednesday, October 14) DeKalb County School District is holding a Teacher Town Hall @ 2pm. Check your email for details.

Note: Decatur Schools just announced that students would not return to classrooms until January.

2020 Football Games
COVID-19 Guidelines for Spectators

1. All spectators should have their temperature assessed prior to entering the competition venue and should be denied entry if higher than 100.4 degrees.
• There should be a clear point of entry for spectators.
• Spectators should be screened by the event screener
• Event screener will display the attached flyer on the table and require every spectator to review.

2. Spectators should wear a facemask/covering at all times possible.
• Upon entering event, please remind spectators that they are not to remove their face coverings.
• Stadium Administrators have the right to ask any spectator not wearing a face covering to leave the event.
• Have a bottle of sanitizer on table and encourage every person to use it.

3. Spectators must always practice social distancing with those outside of their direct family parties.
• Spectators should use six feet social distancing. Families may sit or stand together but should social distance from others.
• Game announcers will give frequent reminders of the COVID-19 guidelines during events.

4. Spectators will be restricted from direct competition areas and from visiting with student-athletes and personnel before, during and after events.
• No one is allowed on the field or court of play
• Spectators should not congregate in breezeways and, common traffic areas.
• Upon conclusion of the contest, spectators must leave the contest area and not interact with others.
• Parents are to meet their athlete outside. Please clear the facility immediately after game.

5. Number of Spectators per event
• Each team will be allotted 350 tickets per game. The tickets will be on sale for purchase by parents of the players and band members on Monday and Tuesday during the week of the game. The tickets will be purchased on the GoFan website. There will not be ticket sales at the stadium.
• If there are extra tickets remaining from parent sales, the remaining tickets will be sold to the general public on Wednesday and Thursday.

You MUST wear a mask at all times during the event. If you choose not to wear a mask, you will be asked to leave.

Social Distancing
• Family units must sit at least six feet apart
• After the event, do not gather in common areas. You must leave the facility immediately

DeKalb Schools Is Returning to Face to Face Learning

DeKalb Schools sent out a 2-Week return to hybrid working environment notification to staff yesterday.

According to the Georgia Department of Public Health Daily Status Report, COVID-19 cases are trending down and Cases Per 100K (Last 2 Weeks) in DeKalb have been below 100 for the last 4 days. Using the Formula To Calculate Moving To Hybrid, the DeKalb Schools Superintendent Cheryl Watson-Harris sent out a return to hybrid working environment notification.

Columbus Day – Also, DeKalb Schools has off Monday Oct 12, 2020. Happy Columbus Day.

Return to Work Staff Notification (October 6, 2020 )

DeKalb Schools Superintendent Cheryl Watson-Harris

From: Cheryl Watson-Harris
DeKalb Schools – Superintendent

Thank you for your dedication and hard work during these uncertain times and being true champions for our scholars. Your safety and well-being remain our top priority. Our conservative approach to return to school has been gradual and is based on COVID-19 data and guidance from health agencies and medical experts.

During the Board meeting on September 14, 2020, the District disclosed and discussed the phase-in plan. Under my leadership, the COVID-19 Re-Opening Task Force monitors the data trends daily and acknowledges that there has been a significant decline in the 14-day average per 100,000 DeKalb County residents from 122 on September 12, 2020 to 93 on October 6, 2020. Since the 14-day average per 100,000 DeKalb County residents is less than 100, the District is engaging in the following activities to prepare our staff, students, and families for the transition to the next phases:

Begin Phase II
October 19, 2020 Hybrid Working Environment 2 Days Per Week (10, 11, and 12-month Staff)
October 9-23, 2020 Distribute the Parent/Guardian Intent to Return Notification Electronically
Begin Phase III
November 2, and 4-6, 2020 Traditional Working Environment 5 Days Per Week (10, 11, and 12-month Staff)
November 3, 2020 Digital Learning Half Day
November 5-6, 2020 Begin One-Day Hybrid Learning Environment for Beta Group
November 9, 2020 Begin One-Day Hybrid Learning Environment for All Students Who Opt-In and Continue Distance/Remote Learning for Students Who Do Not

Please note that the tentative timeline is subject to change based on COVID-19 data and current health guidance from medical experts and health agencies.

In an effort to prepare for the re-opening of schools, all staff members will receive the Return to Work survey. Please review the attached documents in anticipation of completing the survey. Thank you in advance for submitting the survey by Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Your time and commitment are appreciated.

Supporting Documents

FAQs for ADA due to COVID-19
FAQs for Leave due to COVID-19
Emergency Paid Sick/Expanded Family and Medical Request For COVID-19 Related Leave