Author Archives: Stan Jester

Questions – New Teacher Salary Schedule

There has, no doubt, been a lack of communication from the administration on how the new teacher salary schedules will work. The minimal communication in tandem with misleading charts and a complicated system to begin with has lead us to where we are now.

UPDATE (Jan 31 2019)
I think we made a difference here. Thank you DeKalb Employees for hanging in there! Get Schooled – DeKalb school chief: Teacher raise calculations flawed. We’re starting over.

“We need to recalculate the step process for everybody,” said Green. “We need to go in and correct the whole thing. We found some flaws in the algorithm. There is going to be a revaluation with an aim to put in steps that recognize their experience.”

Green said the district will hire an outside firm to conduct the analysis. And he concurred with what critics have long said about human resources in DeKalb Schools. The department could use major change.

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Years of Experience Calculations
Dekalb Schools and all public school districts evaluate teaching experience in accordance with the Georgia Department of Education Experience Rule 160-5-2-.05. Where that places you on the Teacher Salary Schedule seems to be one of the big questions.

Teacher Salary Schedules
  DeKalb County Schools
  Gwinnett County Schools
  Cobb County Schools
  Clayton County Schools
  Fulton County Schools
  Atlanta Public Schools

DeKalb, Gwinnett, Clayton, Fulton and Cobb salary schedules seem to support having the same salary for the first few years. However, Cobb says “If an employee has satisfactorily completed 1, 2 or 3 years of verified experience in the State of Georgia, the employee will be placed on step 4.” APS salary schedule indicates that teacher salaries step up significantly every year from the get go.

How Did We Get From This To That?
I have submitted a number of questions regarding the new salary schedules. Hopefully the answer to this particular question will shed a light on many of our issues.

To: Dr. Bernice Gregory, Dr. Stephen Green
CC: Dr. Michael Erwin
From: Stan Jester

Dr. Gregory,
Can you explain how we got from the comparison salary schedule the board approved to the new posted salary schedule? I have included an image to demonstrate what I see as a discrepancy between what the board passed and what is posted.


Response From Dr. Gregory

Bernice Gregory

From: Bernice Gregory, Chief HCM Officer

Question – Can you explain how we got from the comparison salary schedule the board approved to the new posted salary schedule?

Can you please tell me where the teacher schedule you have listed is posted, as I have not seen that scale nor approved it to be posted? We used the board approved scale, only, to place teachers on the step structure.

Question – Did we give teachers the new salary schedules and tell them what step they are on?

Teachers were told what step they were on in the pay plan they received. A copy of the board approved teacher pay plan should have been sent with the pay plan.

Question – Did each teacher get an individual pay plan?

Yes, pay plans started being emailed to employees yesterday.

Question – Have the new salary schedules been posted online?

They will be posted on our website, under the compensation tab.

Question – Do we have any documentation on how to calculate what step a teacher is on? I would like to know how to accurately and consistently determine what step any given teacher is on.

Teachers were placed on the current step structure according to the pay and experience they were already receiving for the years they currently are being compensated. For instance, a teacher with a Masters degree and 9 years of experience was previously paid 51,939.02. The new pay would now be $56,787, as we placed them on the scale at the next level, near their salary. The pay increase is 4,847.98, which aligns with the 1.3 percent increase, for step placement. The total raise that the teachers received this year was the 2.5 percent COLA and the 1.3 step increase, which was a total of 3.8 percent for the year. The teachers didn’t loose any experience or years of service with the current method of placing them on the scale. We followed the state salary guidelines to place them on the current scale. Next year, they would move up to the next step on the scale.

Most of the teachers thought that they would be paid for the 9 years that they didn’t get a step, but that would be impossible to do with the budget that we had.


Message from Deborah Jones, president of the Organization of DeKalb Educators

I have received many calls, emails, and text messages about the raise/step increase purported to be a part of this pay period. I’ve spoken with Dr Green, Dr Gregory, and Dr Erwin. The explanations given to me from the district leave me disappointed. I, too, was under the impression that employees would be paid step for step and year for year. Dr Green and Dr Gregory said, “that wasn’t ever the case.”

While conversing with Board Chair, Dr. Michael Irwin, he asked that the employees give the district until February 15, 2019 to work out the logistics of this plan. I understand we’ve waited since January 15th, however; we have to work within the parameters that we have. I would suggest we give Dr Erwin this time to work with the district to work this out. At the same time, I would urge all employees to notify the BOE members with your concerns. Any changes or clarification will require a majority of BOE members. The Board has an obligation to make sure the district moves in the direction they approved, as they were the ones to who approved the step increases initially.

We will continue to work with the district to make this right.

Deborah Jones, president of the Organization of DeKalb Educators


Documents Passed By DeKalb Schools Board in January 2019
  FY 2019 Teacher Salary Comparisons
  Salary Schedule All Staff
  FY 2019 Counselor Salary Comparisons

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Chamblee Charter High School is currently right at capacity with 1,722 students enrolled. Back in Oct 2016, DeKalb Schools Planning Department expected to have 2,328 students (500+ students over current capacity) by year 2022. This projection has been adjusted to 1,822 students by 2022 and only 1979 students by 2025.

7 Year Enrollment Forecast Reports

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 7-Year Enrollment Forecast Fall 2019 Summary
 DCSD 7-Year Enrollment Forecast Summary
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Upcoming Construction Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings
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Chamblee Charter HS Building Additions
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E-SPLOST projects are already way over budget. The current Chamblee building additions budget doesn’t include land purchases or practice fields on top of parking garages. DeKalb Schools Planning Department should be coming out in the next couple of months with a complete assessment of our E-SPLOST projects and budget.

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