Author Archives: Stan Jester

Need Input – New Salary Schedules

DeKalb Schools administration is moving fast and furious to correct this issue. I’m trying to get out and vet the documentation as expeditiously as possible. I could use your feedback.

It looks like we are re-approving the Jan 7th E scales for teachers. Z, G, N, and LT salary steps are revised. Everything will be retroactively applied to Jan 1, 2019. Implementation is expected to be by the end of March.

The salary schedules come with a big price tag. The annual cost of this is expected to be about $40 million.

The DCSD administration is requesting that the Board approve the retroactive application of the January 7th salary steps (E scales for teachers), as well as revised Z, G, N, and LT Salary Steps as attached.


  January 7th Approved E Scale (and revised Z, G, N, LT) Salary Scales
  Annualized Payroll Projection Impacts (By Fund for second half FY2019)
  Salary Schedule Correction Process Schedule and Timeline


FAQ – Updated 2/12/2019 8:20pm

I have some answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Where are the other salary schedules – These are only the adjusted salary schedules. If a particular salary schedule is not mentioned here, then refer back to the original January salary schedules that were approved.

Update On Phase 2 Salary Steps for All Staff

Some Salary Schedules slid down from Dec to Jan – The administration is asking to address these on a case by case basis. There will be an appeals process.

Experience to Step Calculation – The administration is attempting to simplify this. Plainly stated, first year teachers with no experience are on step 1. 2nd year teachers with one full years experience are on step 2 … and so on. The actual experience column will be the teacher’s actual experience.

Step Slot – That is a nomenclature assigned to a small percentage of teachers a few years back. I believe the administration is looking to get those employees off the “step slot”.

Communication – The school district will hopefully communicate to all employees by the end of next week their step and salary. They will include instructions for an appeals process.

News Flash – Compensation Letter

Superintendent Green apologizes. Mistakes were made. “We value you”, says Green.

Superintendent Stephen Green

Dr. Stephen Green
Superintendent, DeKalb County School District

February 9, 2019

Dear DeKalb County School District Employees,

The DeKalb County School District values your commitment to our district, its students and families.

Over the past several years, the Board of Education and I have worked together to invest more money into your compensation package in various ways.

During our most recent efforts to address how you are compensated in a new salary step schedule, we discovered serious errors were made. Specifically, some employees received pay at rates different than what was approved by the Board of Education on January 7, 2019. I apologize for that.

The district has been working diligently to determine what went wrong, and the actions needed to correct it. I have directed a senior management team to develop, without a delay, a recommendation that we will present to the Board to remedy the situation.

We value you. I promise we will get it right. In the interim, we ask for your patience while a solution is being developed. You will be provided regular updates throughout the process through communications channels such as News Flash and the e-portal.

For more information, please contact the DCSD Compensation team at

Thank you for your time and commitment to our student and families.

Dr. R. Stephen Green
DeKalb County School District