Author Archives: Stan Jester

DeKalb Schools Calendar FactChecker Poll

On Nov 4, the DeKalb Schools Board of Education will approve the 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 school calendars.

Stan Jester
Board Of Education

After numerous discussions on Facebook and this blog, most people are only concerned about a few attributes of the school calendar. Please complete this poll so I can better understand where the majority of the community stands on these attributes. Thank you, Stan.


DeKalb Schools Calendar FactChecker Poll

Austin Elementary School Redistricting – Round 2

DeKalb Schools is conducting Round 2 of the Austin Elementary School redistricting meetings tonight at Dunwoody High School @ 7pm. The second round objective is to collect community input on the three presented redistricting options which are supposed to based on attendance zone criteria set in board policy.


Austin Elementary Public Redistricting Meetings – Dunwoody HS Auditorium (7:00 PM):
• Round 2 – Wednesday, October 23, 2019
• Round 3 – Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Powerpoint Presentation
Detailed Maps – Option 1
Detailed Maps – Option 2
Detailed Maps – Option 3
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4

The school district rolled out a huge Dunwoody 7-Year Enrollment Forecast back in November 2018. The 2021 enrollment forecast numbers from Handout 1 tonight are way off from the Dunwoody 7-Year Enrollment Forecast numbers.


Option 1: Balance Enrollment
Option 2: Balance Enrollment, No Portables at Austin ES
Option 3: Hightower ES Relief by Doraville United ES

Austin Elementary School Redistricting Option 1

Austin Elementary School Redistricting Option 2

Austin Elementary School Redistricting Option 3

Austin Elementary School Redistricting



Redistricting First Round Summary
September 30, 2019 – September 30, 2019 – Amazingly overnight, the capacity of the new schools went from 900 to 950. The capacity of all other schools in the feeder pattern dropped by 5% – 20%.

Austin Elementary School Redistricting – Round 1
SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 7:00PM

Redistricting – Geographic Proximity
Austin And Doraville United

September 16, 2019 – According to board policy, recommendations for alterations in school attendance areas shall be primarily based on geographic proximity, school capacity; and projected enrollment. These schools will help alleviate overcrowding in the Dunwoody and Cross Keys clusters.

Redistricting Dunwoody Cluster Elementary Schools
August 20, 2019 – The new 900 seat Austin Elementary School (AES) will open in January for the existing old Austin ES students. Redistricted students will attend the new Austin ES in August 2020.

Austin Elementary in the Crier
May 7, 2019 – Confusion and rumors circle the destiny of the old Austin elementary school once the new Austin elementary school opens.

Old Austin Elementary School
April 16, 2019 – The New Austin Elementary School (AES) is on schedule to open January 2020. DeKalb Schools is looking at options to alleviate trailers in the Dunwoody Cluster. The administration is currently looking into using Old AES to that end.

Delay in New Austin ES Opening
Aug 24, 2018 – The DeKalb Schools Operations Division was informed last week that we are experiencing a delay in the opening of the new Austin ES. This has shifted the opening of the school from August 2019 (start of the first semester of 2019-2020 SY) to January 2020 (start of the second semester of 2019-2020 SY).