Author Archives: Stan Jester

No Change In Class Sizes This Fall For DeKalb Schools

.pdf link icon FY14 – Actual Class Sizes
.pdf link icon FY15 – Expected Class Sizes
FY15 Proposed Class Size Flexibility Resolution
.pdf link icon FY2012-FY2015 Max Class Size Chart
For the fourth straight year, the state Department of Education extended a waiver that allows school districts to exceed class size limits.
Earlier this month, the DeKalb Schools Board passed a Proposed Class Size Flexibility Resolution. The maximum class sizes, as shown in this FY2012-FY2015 Max Class Size Chart, for “9th-12th Grade Gifted” and “6th-12th Grade Remedial” were reduced by 3 students for FY2015.
Dr. Kaveous K. Preston, Director, Allotments Scheduling & Budgets, Office of Federal Programs, said the average class sizes for Kindergarten are projected to go from 23 to 21 this year.   Continue reading

Vanderlyn Elementary Loses Assistant Principal

Sandra Lamback, Vanderlyn Elementary School Assistant Principal, is named as the new principal at West Side Elementary School at the Marietta City School District according to today.
Her new salary will be $92,858.
Sandra Lamback
Employment History
“I feel that my expertise will establish a strong foundation on teaching and learning as an essential component for continued student academic success at West Side Elementary,” said Lamback in a release. “Marietta City Schools has educational goals and expectations that foster innovative ideas. It is an honor to join a school system with so much promise and passion for the students served every day.”