Author Archives: Stan Jester

Teacher Raises – True or False?

Teachers across the state will make more this year than they did last year thanks largely to $600 million in additional state revenues that Gov. Deal sent to local districts.  Teacher’s Gross Annual Income, the total amount of money earned this fiscal year, is the number of paid days a teacher works times their daily rate.   Many teachers will be working more days this year and some school districts have budgeted a raise in their daily rates.
According to the AJC, all teachers in Gwinnett will get a 1.8% bump in their pay, called a “step increase,” that’s based on their experience.  Atlanta Public School (APS) employees will receive up to a 5% raise.  Cobb and Fulton will get 1% and 2.5% raises respectively.  DeKalb Schools announced a 1% raise for their teachers.  But, a careful examination of the salary schedule suggests that not all teachers will see an increase in their daily compensation.  In fact, some may see a decrease.
(Update note: DeKalb Schools teachers step increases are frozen.  They have been on the same step for the last 4 or 5 years.)
This chart compares DeKalb’s FY14 Teacher Salary Schedule and FY15 Teacher Salary Schedule. This is the daily rate for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree at varying years of experience.  It would appear that many teachers will see a decrease in their daily rate.

2013-2014 2014-2015 Delta % Change
Exp Daily Rate Exp Daily Rate
0‐6  Years $220.23  E 01 217.16 ($3.07) -1.41%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 02 222.43 $2.20 0.99%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 03 222.43 $2.20 0.99%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 04 222.43 $2.20 0.99%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 05 222.69 $2.46 1.10%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 06 222.95 $2.72 1.22%
0‐6  Years $220.23 E 07 223.22 $2.99 1.34%
7Years  $220.23 E 08 223.48 $3.25 1.45%
8Years  $221.81 E 09 223.74 $1.93 0.86%
9Years  $223.71 E 10 225.6 $1.89 0.84%
10Years  $226.61 E 11 227.78 $1.17 0.51%
11Years  $233.43 E 12 230.98 ($2.45) -1.06%
12Years  $240.51 E 13 235.76 ($4.75) -2.01%
13Years  $247.77 E 14 242.91 ($4.86) -2.00%
14Years  $255.35 E 15 250.24 ($5.11) -2.04%
15Years  $263.12 E 16 257.9 ($5.22) -2.02%
16Years  $270.95 E 17 265.75 ($5.20) -1.96%
17Years  $279.23 E 18 273.65 ($5.58) -2.04%
18Years  $287.69 E 19 282.02 ($5.67) -2.01%
19Years  $296.40 E 20 290.56 ($5.84) -2.01%
20Years  $302.28 E 21 299.36 ($2.92) -0.98%
21Years  $302.28 E 22 305.3 $3.02 0.99%
22Years  $302.28 E 23 305.3 $3.02 0.99%
23Years  $308.15 E 24 305.3 ($2.85) -0.93%


Converting McNair High School to a Start-Up Charter

.pdf link icon DeKalb College & Career Academy Charter School Petition (Searchable PDF)
eboard link icon eboard – Meeting agenda item
 07/30/2014 – McNair Charter Petition Video and Transcript
This evening at 5pm, the DeKalb Schools board will vote to approve converting Ronald McNair High School into a Start-Up Charter School over the next 6 years.  As a start-up charter, DeKalb College & Career Academy Charter School will enjoy autonomy not currently granted to conversion charters.  That autonomy includes personnel decisions, financial decisions, curriculum and instruction, resource allocation, establishing and monitoring the achievement of school improvement goals, and school operations.
Superintendent Michael Thurmond mentioned at the 04/23/2013 Tucker Parent Council that he has been working with the President of Georgia Piedmont Technical College, Jabari Simama, to setup a career academy in DeKalb County.  The Technical College System of Georgia has provided a $3 million dollar grant for construction costs.  Partners with this charter school include Georgia Piedmont Technical College and DeKalb businesses such as Georgia Power, DeKalb Fire and Rescue, Epps Aviation, Siemens and Oglethorpe Power.
Budget (Page 776)
The DeKalb College & Career Academy Charter School charter petition is 861 pages.  In FY2006 the charter school is anticipated to have 300 students and will grow to 1500 students by FY2020.  Ronald McNair High School capacity is currently 1524.  The Georgia Certified Employees Salary Schedule (page 34) will serve as a guide for teacher compensation.  Teachers will presumably be employees of Georgia Piedmont Technical College and can be paid more with waivers granted by the board.  The starting salary of the principal will be $108K and will grow to $122K by FY2020.
Transportation (Page 36)
Despite $0 being allocated in the budget for transportation, the DeKalb College and Career Academy will provide transportation for students from central bus stops. The school will contract with DeKalb County School District for special needs students.
Performance Based Goals  (Page 21)
80% of the students will meet or exceed state standards by year 1 on all Georgia Milestone assessments.  Note: Georgia Milestone assessments are taking the place of CRCT and EOCT.  The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on the Georgia Milestone assessments will increase by 5% each year thus reaching 100% pass rate in 5 years.
Board Members
DeKalb College and Career Academy shall be governed by the following Governing Board of Directors:

Mr. Michael Thurmond DeKalb County School District
Dr.Jabari Simama Georgia College Piedmont Technical
Mr. Cornell McBride McBride Research Lab
Mr. Corbett Davis DeKalb Fire and Rescue
Ms. Sadie Dennard Georgia Power
Mr. Ray Cheek Snapping Shoals
Ms. Janet Spaulding VideoLarm
Ms. Deidre Pierce Georgia PTA
Adrian Hylton Miller Grove High School