Author Archives: Stan Jester

DeKalb Schools Changing Grading System

DeKalb Schools has changed their district wide Grading Protocol.  A few weeks ago, the principals were sent the new grading system with the new categories and weights. Some of the old categories were combined and some new categories were created.  I can’t find it online anywhere, so here it is:

Formative Assessment – 0%

  • Formal or Informal Pre-Assessments

Assessment During Learning – 25%

  • Skills Assessment (Warm-Up)
  • Quiz
  • Projects

Guided, Independent, or Group Practice – 45%

  • Classwork
  • Project or Performance
  • Homework

Summative Assessment or Assessment of Learning– 30%

  • Formal Post-Assessment Test
  • Culminating Project or Performance
  • Final or Culminating Exam
A             90 – 100B             80 – 89
C             71 – 79
D             70
F              Below 70

Notes: *English Learners (ELs) must not receive numerical or letter grades for the core content areas in elementary and middle school during their first year of language development. A grade of CS or CU must be assigned. This rule may be extended beyond the first year with approval from the EL Studies Program. English Learners must receive a grade for ESOL courses.

** Charter schools are not subject to this grading policy.

Related Links

Old Category and Grade Weights

Cumulative Grade: 100%
Class Participation & Classwork 40%
Tests & Quizzes 30%
Projects 25%
Homework 5%

DeKalb Schools Embraces Hiring And Budget Autonomy for Conversion Charters?

.pdf link icon DeKalb Schools Conversion Charter Guidelines 05/12/2014 – not fully autonomous
.pdf link icon Options for DCSD conversion charters up for renewal
.pdf link icon Fulton Schools Charter System Application – Not fully autonomous – (Page 50 has a good chart of their flexibility)
.pdf link icon McNair Conversion Charter Petition – Autonomous personnel and financial decisions – Page 33 – “The school will implement a rigorous interview process to select and hire highly qualified teachers”
.doc link icon State Memo – charters must be autonomous
Across the state, the autonomy of conversion charters has been optional until now. The Georgia Department of Education released this memo, dated June 2014, saying,
Charter School Autonomy is No Longer Optional

  • Charter renewal applicants – including conversion charter school applicants – that are not granted full autonomy by their school districts will be recommended for denial.
  • Full autonomy means that the charter school’s Governing Board must have the final authority in personnel decisions, financial decisions, curriculum and instruction, resource allocation, establishing and monitoring the achievement of school improvement goals, and school operations.

The DeKalb Schools Board recently approved a Conversion Charter with full autonomy including personnel and budget decisions. The DeKalb College & Career Academy Conversion Charter School petition says, “The school will implement a rigorous interview process to select and hire highly qualified teachers and staff.”
Moving forward, I look forward to all Conversion Charters being implemented with the same amount of personnel and budget autonomy.
Flexibility Decision
DeKalb Schools is holding public meetings regarding the district wide migration to a Charter System. The meetings will be at 6 p.m. at the following high schools and dates:

  • Lithonia High on Aug. 26
  • Lakeside High on Aug. 27
  • Dunwoody High on Aug. 28
  • Towers High on Sept. 2
  • Stephenson High on Sept. 3