Author Archives: Stan Jester

Stan Jester's Fingerprint Background Checks

Email Chains

DeKalb County Interim Chief of Police

Requests For The GCIC Purpose Code

Related Documents

Let’s get the facts straight.  I completed a police background check before Christmas, sent the report to the board chair, and posted it on my website.  I think all the board members and administration should put their background checks online for all to see.
Regarding the inaccurate report this evening on WSB; I am dedicated to transparency and disclosure. As the parent of three precious children that go to public school in DeKalb County, I am as concerned about safety as any parent. So, I take great umbrage from the suggestion that I am doing something that might impede safety.
In preparation for my service on the Board of Education, I filled out paperwork and participated in board orientation. The administration asked their internal staff to fingerprint me in order to receive an ID badge. The administration insisted I be fingerprinted because they considered me an “employee” of the district. I researched this and found that both DeKalb BOE policy (GAHB) and state law (OCGA 20-2-51) explicitly state that BOE members are not employees.
After I emailed the Board Chair informing him of the DeKalb BOE policy and state law (OCGA), he emailed me with a new rationale that he was concerned about ensuring a safe environment for DeKalb’s students.
I am happy to submit to a background check, including fingerprinting. In fact, I have my police background check posted on my website. But let’s get two things perfectly clear:

  1. There is no requirement in DeKalb policy or Georgia state law that I provide my fingerprints to the school district; and
  2. It is a bold conflict of interest to be investigated by the agency I am elected to oversee.

I hope you will join me in understanding this is an attempt to quiet someone who will ask critical questions. If you are dedicated to fiscal stewardship and improving the educational lives of DeKalb’s children, I hope that you will join me in rejecting these bullying tactics.
I look forward to working collaboratively with all board members and staff that are dedicated to providing the most effective education to our children and conservative financial stewardship to our taxpayers. Together, we can improve the educational lives of our children.
All Emails From 12/12/2014 to 02/27/2015

Memo from Interim Chief James Conro

Input on 2015-2016 School Calendar

DeKalb Schools has been trying to nail down the 2015-2016 School Calendar for the last few months. We can make it official at the Jan 12, 2015 board meeting. Let me know if you have any feedback regarding the calendar below.

Calendar   2014-2015  2015-2016 
 Pre-planning    Aug 4-8, 2014 Aug 3-7, 2015  
First day of school  Aug 11, 2014    Aug 10, 2015  
Labor Day    Sept 1, 2014    Sept 7, 20 IS  
Professional Development Day    Oct 13, 2014    Oct 9, 2015  
Columbus Day    Oct 132014 (Observed as Professional Development Day)    Oct 12, 2015 (Observed as
Thanksgiving break    Nov 24-28, 2014    Nov 23-27,2015  
Last day of Ist semester    Dec 19, 2014   Dec 18, 2015  
December winter break    Dec 22, 2014
Jan 22015  
 Dec 21 , 2015
Jan 1, 2016  
Post planning 1 st semester/
Pre-planning 2nd semester 
Jan 5, 2015 (Teacher Workday)  Jan 4, 2016 (Teacher Workday) 
First day of 2nd semester    Jan 6, 2015   Jan 5, 2016  
MLK Day    Jan 19, 2015    Jan 18, 2016  
February Break    NA    Feb 12, 2016  
President’s Day    February 16, 2015    Feb 15, 2016  
Professional Learning Day    NA    March 11,2016  
Inclement Weather Day  NA April 1, 2016
Spring Break  April 6-10, 2015  April 4-8, 2016
Last day of school    May 22, 2015 May 26, 2016
Post planning Day  May 26-27, 2015    May 27, 2016
Days 1st semester   88 87
Days 2nd Semester 92 93
of school days   180 180

Survey Question: I would like to start the school year on Aug 3, 2015 to incorporate a fall break (one week/five consecutive days).
Results: Roughly 3,200 parents responded and 2,500 school employees (and a handful of students). 56% of the parents were against a fall break. 73% of the employees were for a fall break.
No fall breaks in our near future.