Author Archives: Stan Jester

How to Qualify for Gifted Services

Results from ITBS and CogAT should be delivered by now. Here’s what you need to know about qualifying for gifted services.

In the 1958, Georgia became the first state to pass legislation that requires all public school systems in Georgia to offer programs for gifted education students.  In 1994, Georgia added subjective measures to its gifted evaluation process to provide an additional path for students, especially minority students.
.pdf link icon Georgia Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services 2014 – 2015
.pdf link icon Georgia State BOE Rule 160-4-2-.38 – Education Program for Gifted Students
.pdf link icon DeKalb Schools Gifted and High Achievers webpage
.pdf link icon DeKalb Schools Program for Gifted Brochure
.pdf link icon OCGA § 20-2-152. Special education services
Elementary students participate in the gifted program for a minimum of 225 minutes per week and are supported by a certified teacher of the gifted.  Middle and senior high school gifted students are taught at least one period per day in a content-based program by a certified teacher of the gifted. In high schools, gifted students may also participate in advanced placement (AP), directed-study courses.
To be eligible for gifted education services, a student must meet the criterion score on a norm-referenced test and either have observational data collected on his or her performance or produce a superior product as described below.  Students in grades one, three, five, and seven go through a district-wide assessment process (gifted identification testing cycle). This process usually begins with a mental ability assessment (CogAT) and an achievement test (ITBS) during the fall semester. A creativity and motivation assessment is provided during the first week in November.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for gifted services, students must qualify in three of the following four areas:

  • Mental Ability – Minimum score of 96th percentile (or higher) in at least one sub-test area
  • Achievement – Minimum score of 90th percentile (or higher) on the total reading, total math, or complete composite
  • Creativity – Minimum score of 90th percentile (or higher) on an assessment for creativity
  • Motivation – Minimum of 90th percentile (or higher) on an assessment for motivation (Grades K-12)

Grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, using an average of core grades over the previous two school years in English, math, science, social studies, and foreign language if applicable (Grades 9-12)
Assessment Scores

  • A qualifying score on a nationally normed test is required to meet the criteria in at least one area.
  • Any data used to establish eligibility in one area shall not be used to establish eligibility in another area.
  • Assessment scores are valid for two years.
  • Private test data may not be used to determine eligibility; it may be used as a referral for further evaluation.
  • Assessments administered outside of the district-wide gifted identification testing cycle are inadmissible.

Continuation Policy
All identified gifted students are given a Continuation Policy form that must be reviewed and signed by the parent and the student. All Gifted Students must maintain a minimum 80% or higher in the gifted class and regular classes.
Probation Policy
If students receiving gifted services fail to maintain a minimum of 80% or higher in the gifted class and regular classes, the student will be placed on probation for a period of one semester.
Models for Gifted Programs
The State of GA requires schools to service gifted students using one of the following classroom models:
Resource Model (K-12)

  1. Students are “pulled out” for a minimum of 225 minutes per week.
  2. Teachers are gifted certified.
  3. The teacher/student ratio is 1:23 for elementary and 1:27 for middle and high school.
  4. Lessons are interdisciplinary, enrichment and extension activities.

Cluster Grouping (K-12)

  1. Twelve or fewer gifted students may be served in a regular classroom setting.
  2. Gifted endorsed teacher.
  3. Differentiated curriculum in content, process, product and/or assessments.

Advanced Content (K-12)

  1. Minimum of one core content class.
  2. Gifted endorsed teacher.
  3. 1:25 teacher/student ratio.
  4. Accelerated curriculum emphasizing process skills, problem-solving activities, research projects and other higher order thinking skills.
  5. Advanced Placement (AP) classes is included as long as the teacher is AP certified and has completed ten clock hours of the Nature and Needs of Gifted.
  6. Some IB and Advanced courses may be used to provide gifted services.

Resources for parents in the Atlanta Metro Area
Find your school district below and follow the link to find out how your child can be considered for gifted programs in your area.

Redistricting the Cross Keys Cluster

Redistricting the Cross Keys Cluster to address over-crowding and reduce portable classrooms.
To serve the growing student population in the Cross Keys Cluster, 18 portable classrooms were added this year to the elementary schools and 16 portable classrooms were added to the middle and high school.

School New Trailers
This Year
Total Classrooms
In Trailers
Cary Reynolds ES 4 25
Dresden ES 12 26
Montclair ES 2 18
Sequoyah MS 8 17
Cross Keys HS 8 15

Related Posts
03/08/2016 – approved Cross Keys Redistricting Plan
02/14/2016 – Cross Keys Over Crowding – The Plan
01/16/2016 – Redistricting the Cross Keys Cluster
  Public Meetings on Redistricting Options 

The school district is currently looking to build two new 900 seat elementary schools as part of DeKalb E-SPLOST V which, if approved by the voters in May, would commence on July 1, 2017.
The temporary short term solution will be to utilize available capacity in nearby Fernbank ES, ISC, Chamblee HS and possibly Warren Tech.  The DeKalb Schools administration is engaging the public to get feedback on which of the three proposed options to implement this Fall.
Elementary (ES) Option #1
.pdf link icon  ES Option #1

  • A – Redistrict 364 Briar Vista ES students to Fernbank ES.
    All neighborhood students go to Fernbank, but Montessori and Regional Special Ed. students would remain.
    Reconstitute Briar Vista ES as a new Cross Keys elementary school.
  • B – Redistrict 269 Montclair ES students to Briar Vista ES.
  • C – Redistrict 61 Woodward ES students to Briar Vista ES. 330 new students at Briar Vista ES.
  • D – Redistrict 282 Dresden ES students to former ISC school.
  • E – Redistrict 283 Cary Reynolds students to Dresden ES.

Elementary (ES) Option #2
.pdf link icon  ES Option #2

  • A – Redistrict 364 Briar Vista ES students to Fernbank ES.
    All neighborhood students go to Fernbank, but Montessori and Regional Special Ed. students would remain.
    Reconstitute Briar Vista ES as a new Cross Keys elementary school.
  • B – Redistrict 269 Montclair ES students to Briar Vista ES.
  • C – Redistrict 61 Woodward ES students to Briar Vista ES. 330 new students at Briar Vista ES.
  • D – Redistrict 101 Montclair ES students to Former ISC
  • E – Redistrict 292 Dresden ES students to Former ISC
    New K-5 school at Former ISC with 393 students
  • F – (2017) Redistrict 383 Cary Reynolds ES students to former Warren Tech as new K-5 school
  • Move Warren Tech program to vacant Terry Mill facility
  • Note: Cary Reynolds ES will need to wait for relief until the 2017-18 school year.

Elementary (ES) Option #3
.pdf link icon  ES Option #3

  • A – Redistrict 127 Montclair ES to new Former ISC
  • B – Redistrict 269 Dresden ES students to new Former ISC
    New K-5 school at Former ISC with396 students
  • C – Redistrict 154 Cary Reynolds students to Dresden ES

High School Option #1
.pdf link icon  HS Option #1

  • Redistrict 164 Cross Keys HS students to Chamblee HS
  • These are the closest students to Chamblee HS
  • First middle and high school split feeder in DeKalb County.

High School Option #2
.pdf link icon  HS Option #2

  • Redistrict 180 Cross Keys HS students to Chamblee HS
  • These are the students furthest away from Cross Keys HS.
  • First middle and high school split feeder in DeKalb County

Public Meetings to Present Redistricting Options to Address Cross Keys Overcrowding
Revised 12/22/2015
DeKalb County School District will be holding three (3) public meetings to present redistricting options to address overcrowding in the Cross Keys Cluster. The community will have an opportunity to voice their comments on the proposed options at these meetings. The affected schools include Montgomery ES, Huntley Hills ES, Ashford Park ES, Cary Reynolds ES, Dresden ES, Montclair ES, Woodward ES, Briar Vista ES, Fernbank ES, Laurel Ridge ES, McLendon ES, Avondale ES, Chamblee MS, Chamblee HS, Sequoyah MS, Cross Keys HS, Druid Hills MS, Druid Hills HS, Warren Tech, Oakcliff Theme. Final recommendations on redistricting will be presented for approval at the March 2016 Board Meeting.
Meetings will be held:

  1. Thursday, January 14th 2016, 6:00 pm at Sequoyah Middle School – 3456 Aztec Road Doraville, GA 30340
  2. Tuesday, January 19th 2016, 6:00 pm at Druid Hills High School – 1798 Haygood Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30307
  3. Thursday, February 11th 2016, 6:00 pm at Cross Keys High School – 1626 N. Druid Hills Road NE Atlanta, GA 30319