Author Archives: Stan Jester

Superintendent Evaluation Process

Dr. Sheneka Williams, an independent contractor, developed a superintendent evaluation process and provided guidelines and steps for moving forward with the evaluation.
The DeKalb Board of Education is currently in Step 3 below.  On April 18th, the board will meet with Dr. Williams to go over an evaluation document and the process approved by the Superintendent.  I have requested this meeting be held during the public work session that day, however the board chair has deemed this a “Personnel Issue” and is requiring the evaluation document be discussed in executive session.
Timeline of the Evaluation Process

  1. Superintendent’s Goal Setting for Upcoming Academic Year (July – August)
  2. Superintendent’s Self-Evaluation (December)
  3. Meeting Between Superintendent and Board to Discuss Scope and Sequence of Evaluation Process (February)
  4. Client Survey for Senior administration and Principals (March – May)
  5. District School Board Rating of Superintendent (May-June)
  6. Final Evaluation Meeting—June (before June 30)

Steps of the Evaluation Process
Step 1: Superintendent’s Goal-Setting (July-August)
The evaluation process begins with the Superintendent setting goals for the upcoming academic year. Once the Superintendent finalizes his/her goals for the year, they are shared with the Board. Once the Board and the Superintendent come to consensus on the goals, then action steps toward accomplishing goals and the evaluation process take place.
Step 2: Superintendent Self-Evaluation (December)
In preparation for discussions related to the evaluation, the superintendent will assess his or her own performance at mid-year.
Step 3: Meeting Between Superintendent and District School Board (February)
At this meeting, the Superintendent will provide members of the Board with a complete set of materials guiding the evaluation process and an explanation of the process, the timeline, and the rubric used to determine the Superintendent’s level of performance. The Superintendent and members of the Board will agree on the conditions of the evaluation including its scope, timeline, goals, evidence, and documentation necessary to demonstrate proficiency or lack thereof. The Superintendent will also share with the Board the results of the self-assessment and his or her plans for each area to address during the year.
Step 4. Stakeholder Survey for Senior Administration and Principals (March-May)
Senior administration and Principals will evaluate the Superintendent’s performance based on the established goals for the year.
Step 5: District School Board Rating of Superintendent (May-June)
Members of the Board will independently rate the Superintendent’s performance using the Rubric for Evaluating DCSD Superintendents. They will then meet to discuss their individual ratings and to agree upon a single rating for each of
the goals and each indicator associated with the goal.
Step 6: Final Evaluation Meeting (June)
The Superintendent and the Board will discuss the Superintendent’s progress toward achieving goals established for the year and the level of performance on goals. This discussion will include analysis of data from the Superintendent’s self-evaluation, stakeholder surveys completed by both the senior administration and principals, and the Board’s summary evaluation of the Superintendent, all of which have been prepared in advance of the meeting.

Trailers for 2016-17 School year

In March, the DeKalb Board of Education approved $2.5 million for the purchase of trailers. The Cross Keys redistricting plan will result in a net reduction of approximately 15 trailer classrooms in the Cross Keys Cluster.
Modular and Portable Classroom Deployment Plan
This “Modular and Portable Classroom Deployment Plan” is for the 2016-17 School Year and is subject to change based upon feedback from the Allotments Department, Principals and Regional Superintendents.
Trailer Types:

  • Singles – Single classroom units approximately 14’ x 45’ which are most commonly used throughout the District.
  • Quads – Quads contain four individual classrooms and a set of Boys/Girls Restrooms. These units are approximately 66’ x 66’ and are primarily used at middle and high schools.
  • Restroom Unit – A standalone set of a set of Boys/Girls Restroom used in conjunction with single classroom units.

Trailers Removed
(19 singles) from the following locations:

Region School Trailers Total
1 Cary Reynolds ES remove 5 singles (25 to 20) *
1 Dresden ES remove 6 singles (26 to 20) *
3 Dunaire ES remove 3 singles (12 to 9)
1 Montclair ES remove 4 singles (18 to 14) *
2 Sagamore Hills ES remove 1 single (6 to 5)

*Note: These schools were included in the Cross Keys Redistricting Plan. Staff originally estimated the possible reduction of approximately 30 modular/portable classroom units. This summer, staff will remove 15 units from these three schools, according to the administration, due to the public input regarding families who may move to alternative housing locations in order to remain within their current school’s attendance area in lieu of being redistricted.
Trailers Added
(47 singles and 3 quads) to the following school locations due to enrollment

Region School Trailers Total
1 Ashford Park ES add 3 singles (5 to 8)
2 Briarlake ES add 2 singles (1 to 3)
5 Canby Lane ES add 2 singles (0 to 2)
1 Dunwoody ES add 4 singles (1 to 5)
1 Dunwoody HS add 1 single (4 to 5)
3 Eldridge Miller ES add 5 singles (0 to 5)
4 Fairington ES add 1 single (2 to 3)
5 Flat Shoals ES add 3 singles (0 to 3)
2 Hawthorne ES add 1 single (1 to 2)
2 Henderson Mill ES add 2 singles (5 to 7)
2 Idlewood ES add 2 singles (7 to 9)
ISC (Midway) add 2 singles (0 to 2)
2 Laurel Ridge ES add 2 singles (0 to 2)
2 Livsey ES add 1 single (6 to 7)
2 McLendon ES add 3 singles (0 to 3)
1 Montgomery ES add 2 singles (5 to 7)
2 Oak Grove ES add 1 single (3 to 4)
4 Panola Way ES add 3 singles (0 to 3)
5 Peachcrest ES add 5 singles (0 to 5)
1 Peachtree Charter MS add 1 quad (12 to 16)
1 Sequoyah MS add 2 quads (17 to 25)
4 Stoneview ES add 2 singles (2 to 4)

Trailers added or removed
(21 singles and 1 restroom) due to construction activity at the following schools:

  • Clifton ES, remove 3 singles (Students, faculty and staff will be temporarily moving to former Terry Mill ES this fall)
  • Redan HS, remove 5 singles (New addition will be completed this fall)
  • Terry Mill ES, add 5 singles (3 singles from Clifton ES and 2 singles from Redan HS)
  • Miller Gove MS, add 16 singles and 1 restroom unit (3 singles from Redan HS and 13 new singles plus 1 new restroom)

To support the above plan, the district has ordered new modular/portable classroom units (52 singles, 3 quads, 1 restroom):

  • 14 for construction: 13 new singles and 1 new restroom for construction at Miller Grove MS ($510,349)
  • 42 for capacity: 39 new singles and 3 new quads for capacity and replacement of existing units ($1,964,709)

The district is in the process of disposing of/auctioning 22 singles that are beyond their useful life.