Author Archives: Stan Jester

Survey Results – DES 4/5 Academy Site Name

Dunwoody Elementary School will be moving its 4th and 5th grades to the former Nancy Creek Elementary School site in Brookhaven this Fall. Here are the results of the community input survey.

Supporting Documents

A plurality of the survey entries support naming the DES 4/5 Academy site, “Dunwoody Elementary School Upper Campus”. It is noteworthy that a plurality of the survey entries outside of the DES community would like the name to be “Dunwoody Elementary School at Nancy Creek”.

Survey Results
47% of all the survey takers selected DES Upper Campus as their first choice.

39% of all the survey takers selected DES at Nancy Creek as their second choice.

61% of the DES community would like the site to be named DES Upper Campus

43% of the residents outside of DES selected DES at Nancy Creek as the name.

3rd Naming Committee Meeting

Time: Jun 24, 2020 06:00 PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 931 0072 4576
Password: des

Survey – Other Thoughts or Comments
The survey also included a comment box for other input. This is what was entered:

Nancy Creek should remain part of the name.
No just wish this didn’t have to happen 🙁
Please make the campus (playground) more secure. Better gate and fix the hole.
My preferred name would be “DES Annex – A poor use of tax payers’ money”
It is important to me that the name reference that it is part of Dunwoody Elementary and that the Nancy Creek name is not wiped out.
How about: “Let’s screw Kittredge families”
Any consideration for a name that does not begin with Dunwoody Elementary School? All options do not give an opportunity to abbreviate the school names to one word or simple acronym in informal conversation as we do with all schools. “DES”, “Chesnut”, “Vanderlyn”, for example. I understand that this will still be DES, but just a thought.
Dunwoody Elementary School Annex
If the third option is adopted, it could be interpreted as there being another upper campus location other than the one at Nancy Creek, which could create confusion. As for the second option, which does not reference “upper campus,” the risk is that it could be interpreted as being a separate, unrelated school. The first option is the best. “Upper campus” should be in the name, but no reference to Nancy Creek is needed since there is only one upper campus. The best option is “Dunwoody Elementary School Upper Campus.”
All these options are awful and are too long. Call it Nancy creek
Great job by the committee
?????? Why is the 3rd one so long?
Why would it be called the Upper Campus? Isn’t the main building actually north of the annex?
I think this school should go back to Nancy Creek & be used as K-5 to alleviate overcrowding. DES 4-5 does not make good use of the facility to only benefit a few while many schools remain overcrowded
Dunwoody Nancy Creek Elementary School
Let’s try to avoid the acronym “DESUC.”
The word upper campus seems important to the students. Where it’s located is less important.
Please don’t use a name with abbreviation DE SUC. It’s not worth all the jokes we will have to endure. Please keep “Dunwoody Elementary” in the name. I don’t find the use of “Nancy creek” problematic.
People aren’t going to say the long name regularly, so they will just call it Nancy Creek if you choose Dunwoody Elementary at Nancy Creek. It makes it feel like a separate school. If you call it Dunwoody’s Upper campus it will show that it is still part of Dunwoody elementary, and people will just call it upper campus.
will the original DES be renamed DES Lower School?
Dunwoody Elementary Upper Campus at Nancy Creek
Thank you for asking!
It would be good to see how 4th and 5th graders can get on a bus without waiting too long for other graders to get off the bus
This location is too far away from the community in which we chose to live and attend schools. I do not support this location.
“Dunwoody Elementary School” must be in the name!!! Any discussion to not have DES in the official name would be ridiculous. These are Dunwoody kids from Dunwoody ES!! It doesn’t matter if the school is not in Dunwoody city limits.
Dunwoody Upper Elementary school
All these options are awful and are too long. Call it Nancy creek
Dunwoody Elementary Junior Middle school
DES 4-5 academy
This is dumb.
DES UC @ NC is way too long
Leave the name as it is, as this is only temporary
I’m not sure why there is input to name the school when the input provided to rezone and remedy overcrowding was completely ignored and final outcome wasn’t Plan A, B, or C that was originally presented.
I strongly prefer not having Nancy Creek in the name of the school. It makes it seem less like the same school, and I think creating a single coherent feel across the two buildings is important right now.
Can I go to this school
I think this should be given to Montgomery or Ashford park as Dunwoody just received a brand new Austin. Ashford Park needs an upper campus!
This school should have been only for the chamblee cluster (Montgomery and ashford park) and shouldn’t even SAY Dunwoody in its name. It’s not in Dunwoody! Such a shame Dekalb county. We need a chamblee cluster board of education representative IN ADDITION to a Dunwoody rep. Shameful.
4th/5th Dunwoody Elementary School @ Nancy Creek
Why couldn’t Montgomery use this school as an upper campus? This school is not in Dunwoody and shouldn’t be used by them especially when the chamblee cluster needs overcrowding relief.
Dunwoody Elementary at Perimeter, Dunwoody Elementary Annex, Dunwoody Elementary Satellite
I hope that the Nancy Creek name can be preserved. The neighborhoods surrounding Nancy Creek Elementary are hoping that it can be returned to a neighborhood elementary school. Renaming it Dunwoody Elementary and taking it away from the community surrounding it would be upsetting. I understood this to be a temporary arrangement.
I can’t wait till they leave
This school should stay as Kittredge magnet school or be overflow for 4th & 5th grade Montgomery students, not Dunwoody elementary!
Or you can just keep Nancy Creek
Give it back to Montgomery.
I don’t want to be known as a parent body that continues to disrespect the Chamblee community by putting other people’s children above there children. The gifted children were not better and neither are our children.
Dislike all previous names, it is a neighborhood school not a Dunwoody school and should be called Nancy Creek
Nancy Creek Elementary School
Nancy Creek Annex or The Annex at Nancy Creek, that way it can be used for whatever is needed without the expense of changing the name each time.
Chamblee elementary
Only that we were told repeatedly that moving Kittredge was NOT an option and that DeKalb County does not allow split campuses when we asked if Montgomery could use the building for our overcrowding relief. I really don’t care what they name it because I am still angry about the outcome.
Keep it as kitridge
The name Nancy Creek has been in the name of even Kittredge, so I would hope we would keep that as part of the name, and eventually return the school to its surrounding neighborhood.
Keeping the Nancy Creek portion of the name pays tribute to the history of the location. It should sbsolutlybhsvr Dunwoody Elem in the name ad these are DES students.
I think it is important the name retain Nancy Creek.
Please limit the change for the students and staff being uprooted from their home. Keep the focus on those affected and not by slighted feelings of people who live in the area.
This should only be a temporary solution and a comprehensive plan for middle and high school needs to be sought out.
Need to better understand transportation plans to the school. When will there be focus and information on that?
The last one is just too much!!
Why do the choices force ‘Dunwoody’ in the name? It never was named after a city before. This school is in Brookhaven and adjacent to Chamblee. If Dunwoody wants naming rights to schools, maybe Dunwoody should build some schools.
None of these names work. The school is in Brookhaven. Why will the name include Dunwoody? That does not make sense.
I think this should be given to Montgomery or Ashford park as Dunwoody just received a brand new Austin. Ashford Park needs an upper campus!
The acronym DESUC will likely be used as a pejorative term by some.
The original name of the school should be honored, as it has a great deal of history for the neighborhood in which it is located. When the school is reopened as a neighborhood elementary school (hopefully in the near future) the name should revert back to Nancy Creek School. Thanks.
What’s the point? Y’all don’t support Brookhaven at all… only Dunwoody.
Where will the high achievers go to school?
I am not sure why this school is being used for a school that is not in Brookhaven. Montgomery is over capacity and this building could be used for our 4th and 5th graders. Please reconsider
Where will the high achievers go to school?
I’m still so disappointed that you have given our neighborhood elementary school to Dunwoody.
This campus should provide relief for Chamblee cluster. Extremely disappointed by what has happened with this and horrific leadership that missed an opportunity to listen and be transparent with Chamblee cluster families. While Chamblee kids add more trailers during Covid, our neighborhood school is used for a cluster that just received an enormous, brand new school despite our own requests for relief using this location for our upper grades. It’s hard to forget or trust our county to do the equitable and right thing for kids in our county.
I want to make sure this school is just as nice and clean as Dunwoody Elementary.
Why go to the cost to rename it.? Call it “Nancy creek, a Dunwoody upper school campus “ with a temporary sign and call it a day. It’s a temporary solution, correct? The wasted money and energy going into this is mind numbing.
This should be a Montgomery annex school, not Dunwoody.
The name Nancy Creek has been in the name of even Kittredge, so I would hope we would keep that as part of the name, and eventually return the school to its surrounding neighborhood.
Really? This is going to be SO confusing! Almost the same name for 2 different locations. I understand the desire for continuity for the kids, but surely you could have thought of something else. ???????
It should be a simple name easy to identify.
should not mention Nancy creek which is not even in Dunwoody
How about building more schools since overcrowding and poor school conditions are an ongoing problem.
Is it safe for the kids doing this pandemic
None of these…Dunwoody Elementary should not be in the school name. This is not Dunwoody. It should be named Nancy Creek Elementary and if it is being used for Dunwoody Elementary temporarily then so be it.
Dunwoody needs an entirely new elementary school, a second middle school, and a second high school.
Using Nancy Creek is insulting to that neighborhood who deserved to have that building
Keep it simple
I like the idea of the school mascot to be the same for both schools as well. I think it should be light blue for the lower elementary and royal/navy blue for the upper level elementary.
Dunwoody Elementary School Upper Campus = DESUC. Please don’t name it this. Dunwoody Elementary at Nancy Creek seems like the best choice, but it absolutely should have DES in the name (some Chamblee parents have called for the school to keep its name or be named something non-DES related). Please do not do this.
This school should below to the local neighborhood and not Dunwoody. It is simply shameful that this has happened to the community surrounding Nancy Creek.
Would like to see Nancy Creek somewhere in the name
DESS (dunwoody elementary second school)
Dunwoody Creek would be nice
Keep the original name of Nancy Creek Elementary
Dunwoody Elementary School 4th-5th grade academy
No just wish this didn’t have to happen 🙁
It would be nice to recognize that your school is in our neighborhood.
thanks for asking
Dunwoody Academy
I think it’s important that it’s clear that DES is 1-school and I think “upper campus” language best helps make that clear among the options provided.
Just call it Nancy Creek
“So complicated. Just call it Nancy Creek Elementary.

People complain to much, any “”Upper”” or “”advance”” or naming that indicates “”better than others”” will not be accepted. I’m good with any name.”
Horrible survey as it requires us to give a choice that is not reflective of our opinions. Should be a open ended question or at least give a choice of “none of the above”. Using this building for Dunwoody Elementary is a slap in the face to Montgomery (MES) and the Murphey Candler Park neighborhoods. We have been suggesting this as a MES upper campus for years. MES has more of an overcrowding issue than DES. This move was not thought out at all. Additionally, having the word Dunwoody in the name will only promote this as a long-term solution. Many Dunwoody residents (not all of course) tend to “snub their noses” at us just inside the perimeter (Murphey Candler Park, Huntley Hills, and Sexton Woods neighborhoods (not including us in their City boundaries, little support from Dunwoody Business for sponsorship for things like Murphey Candler Little League – I used to seek sponsorships for Murphey Candler and I can’t tell you how many business owners said something along the lines of “we don’t consider really seek business for Murphey Candler residents” or “we prefer to keep our sponsorships local” – just generally snotty responses. With all this said, now you want to take over what was once our neighborhood school and fill up our neighborhood with more of your traffic. I understand this decision was not what the parents wanted but was a School Board decision. Nonetheless, this was a bad decision and one not welcome by our community. Let’s just leave the name “Nancy Creek Elementary”, use it as an upper campus for MES (solving the bigger problem first) and then figure out how to fix DES minor problem.
2020 has been a year of huge change for everyone. I think it would be a great kindness to our kids at DES and neighbors in Nancy Creek area to pick a name that minimizes changes for all.
This is a travesty and should not happen.
My son who will attend this school along with his friends would prefer The White Tiger Academy perhaps that name could be considered as what the students call it. Involving them in the naming process would surely create community and ownership!
My son who will attend this school along with his friends would prefer The White Tiger Academy perhaps that name could be considered as what the students call it. Involving them in the naming process would surely create community and ownership!
DES Upper Campus at Nancy Creek is too long. Why make it burdensome long? DES at Nancy Creek allows for flexibility…say it ends up being a longer term location and you add lower grades, for ex. Why limit the name to upper school grades (DES Upper School Campus).
Being respectful of the neighborhood and the geographic landmark you Nancy Creek.
I would ask that we not dwell on this naming convention too long. We have so much more to worry about with Covid-19 and a safe return to school plus a smooth transition to 2 schools. While nice, this should take the most minimal time and focus. Thanks!
Still think this whole thing is a waste of resources & KMS should have stayed where it was & DES remained as is for another year.
cop-out elementary; corruption personified elementary; bad compromise elementary
Keep the Nancy creek name. The creek runs behind the school.
This is not in Dunwoody. Dekalb shunned Montgomery parents’ idea to use this as a 4/5 annex and yet they have taken Kittredge out of our community and given this school in our neighborhood to Dunwoody. It’s ridiculous. Keep Nancy Creek in the name. Signed – a Kittredge and MES angry parent.
Will this school be renamed once they build a new elementary school in Dunwoody and Nancy Creek will finally be given back to the Chamblee Cluster?
To have Dunwoody in the name of this Brookhaven school is utterly ridiculous.
This school in this location was not well thought out.
Just keep it as “Nancy Creek Elementary”
As an MES family that would be zoned for NC if it were returned to the community, we are very frustrated that DES was given relief for over crowding while MES was not. Yes, the MES community opted to stay together, but, when we suggested NC as an upper campus, etc for MES it was not taken into consideration, instead, our community school is given to DES. We are very unhappy with this change. NC should be included in ANY school name for this campus and it should be returned to our community.
Still think this whole thing is a waste of resources & KMS should have stayed where it was & DES remained as is for another year.
Still think this whole thing is a waste of resources & KMS should have stayed where it was & DES remained as is for another year.
This campus should be used for overcrowding at Montgomery Elementary as well as Dunwoody. It is important to the community that Nancy Creek remain in the name and the school should be used as a neighborhood school again as soon as possible to help overcrowding in the whole area – Montgomery, Ashford Park, etc…
Nancy Creek should be in the name considering the neighborhood and actual landmark in our community. If it’s not going to be used to the benefit of the immediate community and students, it can at least carry a name that represents its actual location and community.
The school has a name, Nancy Creek, why change it?! Especially if this is just temporary. The school isn’t even located in Dunwoody!
Including the name Dunwoody in the school when it is located in Brookhaven is insulting to our community. Our community has overcrowded schools that need that building and space to meet our own community needs. To name it a Dunwoody based name hurts our community deeply. There was not due process how this came to be taken from our neighborhood and the name will increase the existing resentment.
In no case should Nancy Creek be dropped from the name. My husband went there as a kid himself – Nancy Creek has stood the test of time. Please be respectful to the neighborhood surrounding the school. I will drive my own 4th grader past Nancy Creek to take her to MES. Nancy Creek is not a Dunwoody school and should not be viewed as anything but a temporary location. You all were given a gift.
Be mindful of the neighborhood the bc school is located. Not to mention MES asked to use the school for this reason abs were denied
The name should reflect the community the school has always been apart of and also so that the school can be easily returned to the community without the additional expense of renaming it AGAIN. Spend our tax money wisely!!!!!
Nancy Creek should remain as part of school’s name; crazy that we are spending the time and money to even do this given the cuts that are coming. This is a short term “deal” so why spend on this time and money on something that will likely change in the near future.
Cost associated with multiple future name changes is a waste of money. Please add “Nancy Creek Annex” as an option.
Nancy creek should remain in there
Just make it Nancy Creek ES.
Keep Kittredge in the mame
Dunwoody should not be in the name at all! How about Nancy Creek Annex or something similar so other schools are able to use it in the future.
It is not physically in Dunwoody. Call it Nancy Creek.
If this is truly a temporary location, this school should have Nancy Creek in the name, and not Dunwoody. The school needs to return to the Chamblee/Brookhaven cluster.
Good luck with the traffic!
Nancy Creek Upper Campus Elementary so it won’t have to continually change names when other school use it in the future
The school should be used for Montgomery’s overflow.
Name it Dunwoody Intermediate School
Please don’t send my kids to a school named De-SUC
It should be the Nancy Creek Annex… after a Dunwoody occupies it, the facility should revert to Chamblee Cluster and be a neighborhood-serving elementary school as it was intended to be. We have lots of young children in WALKING DISTANCE to the school.
Dunwoody Creek Upper ES
This building was stolen from our community. During community meetings at chamnlee high last fall regarding redistricting, Montgomery strongly voiced the desire to have this building back to help us with overcrowding. We were told that was in no way an option and to focus on the options deklab had put on the table. Now, just months later, you give the building to Dunwoody and have created more negative traffic. Crosing over and back over 285 will be chaos. The least you can do is keep Nancy Creek in the name. It is my hope that this building will eventually be returned to the local community.
The school belongs to the Chamblee cluster
Call it Nancy Creek Elementary. The other names are horrible.
“Upper Campus sounds kind of stupid

This is an absolute disgrace. This school building is in the Chamblee cluster, and should be used to relieve overcrowding in one of our cluster schools. My children will now suffer because Dekalb County board members changed their minds at the last minute and randomly decided to give this building to a Dunwoody school (for 2 years- but no one is holding their breath that the county will stick to its word). Everyone involved with this decision should be ashamed of themselves.
Have you guys ever met a 10 year old? Please don’t name their school DESUC. Unless the goal is to make fun of the decision to have this annex at all, in which case DESUC might be okay. Name should have “Dunwoody” it in since it is supposed to be the same school as DES. Seems fine to have Nancy Creek. Probably people are going to call it “the annex” anyway since that is what RT and her team called it from the beginning.
Nancy Creek should remain in the name plus the cost of new signage etc is a waste of taxpayers money.
The name should be Nancy Creek so it is not tied to Dunwoody Elementary permanently as this is supposed to temporary
Keep Nancy Creek in the name. Why it just call it Nancy Creek Elementary School and be done with it. The school is not in Dunwoody, therefore calling it Dunwoody makes zero sense. Call it what it is; Nancy Creek Elementary School.
While it is the upper campus, having the abbreviation of DESUC or Dunwoody Elementary SUC isn’t appealing. We don’t need anyone saying DE sucks. Having Dunwoody Elementary & Nancy Creek in the name should please those that know it was originally named Nancy Creek while also keeping DE in the name since it is directly related to DES. As for Brookhaven maybe taking offense to Dunwoody being on the name (In your blog comment section): 1) it’s Dunwoody kids attending; 2) Dunwoody Springs Elementary is in Sandy Springs/Fulton; 3) Dunwoody Country Club is in Sandy Springs; 4) you can get to the school off of Chamblee Dunwoody Rd from the East or Ashford Dunwoody Road from the West. It’s in the Dunwoody area before all the city lines were drawn. People need to settle down. It can be renamed again if the students that attend there change later.
Having Dunwoody in the name is like having Brookhaven Innovation Academy (BIA) in Norcross. Is there anyway that can be left out? The school is in Brookhaven. Brookhaven extension of Dunwoody Elementary? Nancy Creek extension of Dunwoody Elementary?
This school should not be re-named. At the very least, Nancy Creek should remain in the name. It was named for the geographical landmark, Nancy Creek. The address is Nancy Creek. This is a temporary move for Dunwoody kids that are being bused in to relieve their overcrowding rather than ours. Nancy Creek Elementary should very soon re-open to accommodate the kids in the neighborhood surrounding the school. This school was not being underutilized in 2008 and it would be far from underutilized now. The county was given population statistics then that they chose to ignore and the area has also since exploded. There is no reason to change the name of the school for this very temporary move.
The school should remain Nancy Creek Elementary as it is named for the geographical reference point behind the school and this is a temporary solution. At the end of the day, this is a neighborhood school belonging to the Chamblee cluster. I also feel given the current state of society and school being up in the air, this is ridiculous of the Dunwoody cluster to focus on a name of school.
The overcrowding should have been handled by placing an equal amount of apartments in each school district versus changing up two entire schools so Austin does not have “transient” students. Then we wouldn’t be renaming a school and moving so many students.
MES needed this space
None of the three names in selection properly reflects the fact that the site is NOT in Dunwoody. Dunwoody should not appear in the name of the school AT ALL. Having Dunwoody in the name of a site in Brookhaven is not only confusing but inappropriate.
None of the above. This school is in MES district and you gave it to Dunwoody despite the fact that we asked you all to use this school to alleviate our over crowding. It was immediaty turned down and said they were not moving Kittredge. This is ridiculous. MES needs to be rebuilt and expanded they have a huge field out back and please build a parking lot while you are doing so. You have also created a morning traffic nightmare with everyone from dunwoody crossing over 285. The school should be called Nancy Ceeek that is the street it is on.
Nancy Creek needs to stay in the name. Nancy Creek is a geographical border. This school was originally a part of the Chamblee cluster and when the Chamblee Cluster asked earlier this year about using Nancy Creek to relieve overcrowding issues, the Cluster was denied— yet it was given to the Dunwoody schools who are not as overcrowded (and Dunwoody is about to open a new school). It makes no sense for either clusters. If this is indeed a temporary measure to relieve Dunwoody schools, Nancy Creek MUST stay in the name. I hope that one day Nancy Creek will return to the school cluster where it originally belonged (please, DeKalb County Board of Education, do what is right for both affected Clusters).
Please keep Nancy Creek in the name. They even did that when it was Kittredge. It’s a slap in the face to the surrounding community not to do so. Especially if this is a temporary set up, it should keep Nancy Creek in the name. Be kind to your southern neighbors!!!
Nancy Creek Elementary
Do not choose a too wordy one. And upper school is confusing since that’s what high schools use.
This school is IN THE BROOKHAVEN/CHAMBLEE CLUSTER not Dunwoody and should not carry the Dunwoody name. The overcrowding of the Chamblee cluster schools has been largely ignored while Dunwoody continues to receive new facilities and accommodations. This schools sits squarely in a neighborhood that is experiencing severe overcrowding and has received little to no viable options from DCSS.
Reopening Nancy creek elementary to relieve Montgomery and Huntley hills was originally proposed by MES families and we were lied to and told it was not an option because it would not alleviate Hightower and Dresden. This is the ultimate slap in the face. Nancy Creek elementary is not even in Dunwoody and to turn around and give it to Dunwoody as a temporary measure is indicative of the short-term incompetent thinking that is the hallmark of dekalb. We should be reopening our neighborhood Nancy Creek Elementary as a real long term solution for Chamblee. My guess is that this “temporary” solution will cost more and be less “temporary” than we are all being led to believe.
topographically Nancy Creek is “downhill” from DES so it seems strange to call it “upper” campus
Why can’t this be called Nancy Creek Academy for 4-5 grades? The school isn’t in Dunwoody!!! That way when attendance shifts, the school doesn’t need to be renamed. Also, why can’t the old Austin Elementary school be utilized in the near term to relieve overcrowding at all of the lower schools, especially with Covid?
This renaming will cost taxpayers how much? When school revenues are already down from COVID?
When the school board closed Nancy Creek Theme School, we were told that Nancy Creek would remain in its name. We were also promised by the school board (Jim Redovian in particular) that neither Montgomery nor Huntley Hills would ever have the trailers That they installed the very NEXT year!
Keeping “Nancy Creek” in the name is respectful towards the local community
I think it needs to specify Upper Campus to distinguish from regular. Not a fan of Nancy Creek in the name as this will most likely be moved again in a few years.
With Covid I am gob smacked that you would bus Dunwoody kids into Chamblee and not give Chamblee that space. Those kids are in trailers to. Dunwoody cluster just got a brand new building. We need Nancy Creek as a local elementary. We live three blocks from there and can’t go to our own school. This is asinine.
This school needs to remain in the Chamblee cluster. With Covid we do not need to be busing kids in and out of districts. My kids could walk to Nancy creek elementary and the Chamblee cluster needs the space too. Montgomery and Huntley hills are in trailers too. Why would we endanger kids by moving them further than we need to? This is the worst plan ever.
I object to “Dunwoody” being part of the name. This school is NOT in Dunwoody and should never have been annexed to Dunwoody to begin with. Nancy Creek should remain in the name. When the County announced that they would be moving Dunwoody students to Nancy Creek—despite objections from the neighborhoods surrounding NC (Montgomery and Chamblee cluster) and from Dunwoody families impacted by the move—they said this would be a temporary move. If they were actually telling the truth about this being temporary, then there is no reason to rename this school at all and certainly no reason to remove Nancy Creek from the name. Nancy Creek should have been given back to the neighborhood in which it is located as was requested by Montgomery and other Chamblee Cluster residents. This renaming is yet another slap in the face to the community in which this school is located.
Dunwoody Upper Elementary
I feel there is no need to bring Nancy Creek into the name. The 4th and 5th graders are feeling displaced out of the cluster enough. That will make them feel more like outsiders
Love that they are going back to 4th/5th grade only again. When DES first started like that it was the best experience ever
This is Dunwoody Elementary – continuity for the school is first priority
The name doesn’t matter much. The Nancy Creek school needs repairs and remolding.
Why is a school in Chamblee being used by Dunwoody?
Yes, this is a ridiculous solution to overcrowding of closer Montgomery elementary and will have detrimental affect on the neighborhood in traffic to a small neighborhood.
Refocus efforts on building actual school capacity vs naming surveys. thanks
“Something that will make up an easy-to-use acronym, like:
Dunwoody Resilience Exploration and Merit (DREAM) School, or
Dunwoody Endeavour Elementary Repository School (DARES)…
I’m sure you guys can come up with something better…but, it should be something that will look good on a t-shirt, sign, letterhead, and yearbook cover.”
Ridiculous to not move Montgomery Students also. Just leave school Nancy Creek Elm
The school should be serving Chamblee cluster
The overcrowding should have been handled by placing an equal amount of apartments in each school district versus changing up two entire schools so Austin does not have “transient” students. Then we wouldn’t be renaming a school and moving so many students.
Dunwoody needs an entirely new elementary school, a second middle school, and a second high school.
I don’t understand why it needs Dunwoody in the name at all. This is a temp solution, don’t waste all the money to rename, then rename again when neighborhood kids will be able to get their school back. Call it Nancy Creek 4-5 upper. Keep it called Nancy Creek as it was, as labeled on school, on streets near by, creek flows nearby. Stop wasting so much money on this crap. School should have stayed open for neighborhood kids anyways.
The campus is actually located in Brookhaven you may want to look at other options for location if you insist on using Dunwoody in the name. Montgomery Elementary Upper Campus would have made a lot more sense!
This school needs to be named Nancy Creek. You are taking a school that is in our community and filling it with students that are not in from our neighborhoods. We understand that Dunwoody is in dire need of relief and our Sexton Woods community understands and supports that move. But it is our fervent hope that this move is temporary, and that Nancy Creek can be returned to our neighborhood once the Shallowford Road school is complete.
Dunwoody Elementary annex
Dunwoody needs an entirely new elementary school, a second middle school, and a second high school.
A school on the Brookhaven Chamblee boarder should not be called Dunwoody – period!!! This decision is such a disservice to the kids that are attending a very overcrowded school (MES) with what should be Nancy Creek Elementary within walking distance of their homes. MES is where the idea of an “upper campus” came from. Montgomery was told absolutely not, then the school was given to Dunwoody Elementary. MES only wanted to be left alone after being told that splitting our school was “a non-starter”. This is so shameful. Dunwoody and Brookhaven don’t share attendance zones but the school board is suddenly pretending like they do. Stan Jester flat out lied to Montgomery families. The school that was Kittredge should be used to relive overcrowding for the students that live by it. Students from Dunwoody should not be bused into our neighborhoods when we need the school!!! And we can walk there!!
Dunwoody needs an entirely new elementary school, a second middle school, and a second high school.

DeKalb Schools Re-Opening Framework

DeKalb Schools Re-Opening School Task Force built a framework to serve as a transition document to the new Superintendent for final decisions on how to re-open on the first day of school on Aug 3, 2020.

The Georgia Department of Education, in partnership with Georgia Department of Public Health, released Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools. Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools focuses heavily on the health and physical requirements necessary for reopening school buildings. This guidance is not mandated, or state required. Local school districts have the authority and flexibility to meet their individual needs and be responsive to their communities.

The task force was charged with aligning the state’s guidance with the planning of DeKalb Schools re-opening to help the new Superintendent make decisions on how to re-open in August.

DeKalb Schools Operations Division is working to address the logistics of reopening including:

  1. Practicing Prevention
  2. Transporting Students
  3. Entering School Buildings
  4. Serving Meals
  5. Transitioning between classes
  6. Conducting Large Groups Gatherings
  7. Supporting Teaching and Learning
  8. Protecting the Most Vulnerable Students and Staff
  9. When a Student, Staff or Visitor Becomes Sick at School

A school decision tree maps the level of community spread to the proposed levels of learning.
DeKalb Schools Decision Tree Level of Community Spread

Learning models for the various levels of community spread.
Learning Models

DCSD is seeking stakeholder input on their preferences and perspectives for learning models and hybrid options that the school district is considering for the reopening of schools.

There are numerous options for students to learn in the ways that are best for them. If you would like to learn in your own place and at your own pace, look into the many virtual learning options provided by DeKalb Schools, the state of Georgia and many other sources.