Author Archives: Stan Jester

Academic Promotion Policy

Local school boards are responsible for a PROMOTION, PLACEMENT, AND RETENTION policy in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 20-2-282 through 20-2-285. On Monday the DeKalb Board of Education will be discussing and voting on a new DeKalb Promotion and Retention Policy.
Let me know your thoughts on this proposed policy:
(a) Each school principal shall distribute student data from the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessments to teachers prior to the beginning of each school year. Each teacher shall use data to focus instruction on identified student academic performance in grades 1-8.
(b) Each school principal or designee shall establish a student support team for each student in grades 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 who does not achieve grade level on reading and/or mathematics sections of the criterion-referenced assessments. The student support team shall:
1. Determine whether each student shall be retained or promoted based on a review of the overall academic achievement of the student as well as the student’s Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade performance where applicable;
2. Develop an accelerated, differentiated, or additional instruction plan for each student who does not achieve grade level on the reading and/or mathematics sections as reported by the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessments; and
3. Develop a plan of continuous assessment during the subsequent school year in order to monitor the progress of the student.
(c) Students shall be tested in accordance with requirements specified in State Board Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs – Student Assessment.
(d) The school principal or designee shall annually notify parents or guardians that placement or promotion of a student into a grade, class, or program will be based on the academic achievement of the student on criterion-referenced assessments and other criteria established in this policy.
Students who enter the ninth grade in 2005-06 and beyond are required to complete three hundred sixty hours (24 units) in order to meet the requirements for graduation. The requirements for promotion are as follows:
a.) to the tenth grade, 90 hours (6 units), three (3) of which must be core courses and three (3) elective courses*;
b.) to the eleventh grade, 180 hours (12 units), six (6) of which must be core courses and six (6) elective courses*;
c.) to the twelfth grade, 270 hours (18 units), nine (9) core courses and nine (9) elective courses*.
*Core Courses: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World
GRADES 3, 5, AND 8
Promotion for students in grades 3, 5, AND 8 come down from the state legislature and are reiterated in state board rules.
1. No third grade student shall be promoted to the fourth grade if the student does not receive a grade level reading determination of “On/Above Grade Level” on the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessments and meet promotion standards and criteria established in this policy for the school that the student attends.
2. No fifth grade student shall be promoted to the sixth grade if the student does not receive a grade level reading determination of “On/Above Grade Level” on the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessment and attain an achievement level of “Developing Learner”, “Proficient Learner”, or “Distinguished Learner” on the mathematics section of the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessment and meet promotion standards and criteria established in this policy for the school that the student attends.
3. No eighth grade student shall be promoted to the ninth grade if the student does not receive a grade level reading determination of “On/Above Grade Level” on the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessment and attain an achievement level of “Developing Learner”, “Proficient Learner”, or “Distinguished Learner” on the mathematics section of the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessment and meet promotion standards and criteria established in this policy for the school that the student attends.
When a student does not perform at grade level in grades 3, 5, or 8 on
the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Assessments read the DeKalb Policy or State Board Rules to see the next steps.

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News Release – Proposed Property Tax Increase For DeKalb

You’ll be happy to know the safe that just landed on your head is just 8.7% heavier than it was last year.

Property Taxes

The DeKalb County School District announced last week its intention to increase property taxes this year by 8.71 percent.
When the total digest of taxable property is prepared, Georgia law requires that a rollback millage rate must be computed that will produce the same total revenue on the current year’s digest that last year’s millage rate would have produced.

Property Taxes

Without the tentative tax increase, the rollback millage rate will need to be no more than 21.829 mills.
Public Hearings
Before the DeKalb County Board of Education may finalize the tentative budget and set a final millage rate, Georgia law requires three public hearings to be held to allow the public opportunity to express their opinions on the increase.
All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearings on this tax increase to be held at the Administrative & Instructional Complex, J. David Williamson Board Room, 1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd, Stone Mountain, Georgia
June 06, 2016
5:45pm – 2nd Public Budget Hearing
6:15pm – 1st Public Millage Rate Hearing
6:45pm – Community Input Session
If you would like to be a speaker at one of these hearings, please email Margaret Francois [] to request a slot. In your request, please include your name and contact information.